Monday, December 29, 2008

Whatever happened to movie theme songs?

The other day I was listening to 933 and they were discussing the "10 worst songs ever written" and #8 was "My Heart Will Go On". They then proceeded to talk about the time in movie history when big movies had major, and in many cases cheesy, theme songs and it made me realize that those songs are really lacking in today's movies. Here's a lil list of songs they talked about

Seal's "Kiss from a rose on a grave"- I personally love this song and don't think it's cheesy at all. In fact, no matter what Batman movie I watch I think of this song

Whitney Houston's "I will always love"- yeah it's cheesy and the movie is mediocre, but the woman's got a great set of pipes. Personally, whenever I hear it I like to pretend I can sing and dramatically lip-sync to it without embarrassing myself or others.

Bryan Adam's "Everything I do, I do it for you"- total cheese, but it's got HEART!! And listen to the words, wouldn't you want your one true love to feel that way?

Lastly...the grand daddy of them all-
"My heart will go on"- we all saw the movie, we all fell in love with leo and hated kate b/c she got to kiss him. We all sang the damn song in our school choir... usually with little success, but no matter how much you hate it, you can't help but love it. Even after watching it you let the credits play so you can do an interrupted dance/dramatic lip sync and if you're really in the mood you act out "I'm the king of the world!", "I'm flying Jack!!" and "I'll never let go."

So I want to challenge musicians to bring back the dramatic theme songs. They are dearly missed no matter what people say and you know ten years after it hit the air waves you will hear it playing while you are waiting to see the dentist, smile, and quietly humm the lyrics under your breath.

I added the videos to all the songs so you can relive all the wonderful memories...

Seal- "Kiss from a rose on a grave"

Whitney Houston' "I will always love you"

Bryan Adams- "Everything I do, I do for you"

Celine Dion- "My heart will go on"

(While looking up that video I couldn't help but watch it and do a dramatic lip-sync in my room :))

Monday, December 15, 2008


First of all... I should be studying, but anyways... We are such wimps, OK well I am. There's a "winter storm" passing through today and the temp didn't get higher than like 58 and I thought I was going to die. Living in SD has given me the thinnest blood in the world and I was so cold I didn't want to get out of my clothes, to actually get in a warm shower. The actual storm was crazy. Around 12ish we look out and it's as if the Nile is running down Brockbank. The water was almost over flowing on to the sidewalk and was almost up to the bottom of all our Asian cars. I love this stuff, b/c it's nice to mix it up, but at the same time it makes me appreciate our almost year round sunny weather. B/c I am a huge weather dork I've been spending quality time on tracking the rain and I noticed that the middle of the country is really cold. For example, I saw that the high in Dallas was 37. I thought that was really cold so I looked up the average for Dec and saw it was around 57....THAT'S 20 DEGREES!!! I could not imagine if San Diego was 20 degrees below average. I've been in weather like that in Paris and NY, but I think I'd die of shock. I don't think ppl would know what to do. we rap up in jeans, sweatshirts, scarfs, and uggs when it is "cold" so I don't think people have clothes for that weather...or if they do it's snowboarding clothes. It would be pretty funny to see people walking to class in snowboarding pants and and jackets. My mom would have 10 layers on and the heater up to 80. Makes me cold thinking about it. Luckily... b/c we live by the coast it would take a ubber-cold winter storm to ever get that cold because temps to fluctuate as drastically on the coast (just say it... I'm a huge nerd). OK well I'm not getting anything done so I'm hitting the sack so I can get up and study for my geo final. Wish me luck, and stay warm

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A philathropy we can pwn!!

We will redeem ourselves next semester. I just heard that we are going to try and get into a football philanthropy and I'm so excited! We got robbed at SLO, but we learned what our weaknesses are and we know what needs to be done this time around. Yes, we are the Christian sorority, but that doesn't mean we won't own the field. Obviously we don't know what the competition is, but when we've got Caspie under the middle and Teso, Cout, Zulu, Twighlight, and Miata on the outside, Corve Rarri, and me owning the O-line, and a defense that gets in your face I don't know how we can't kick some anus. Shoot, softball was fun a couple years ago and we only had a few girls whom had played. we are well schooled in plays and techniques and we will make AGO proud... even though it's not their event, we owe them credit. So as break comes near, take advantage of your free time and break a sweat every now and then. we may be 1/10 the size in number of girls, but we got skillllllzzzzzz.!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

All hail the chief!!!

So the rumor that was circulating around the police department was that my dad would be retiring soon is about to change.... to the rumor that he is going to be the next chief. 20+ years on the job he has gone from a lowly officer to the brink of guiding the second largest city in the county. It's not set in stone, but the current chief pretty much said, without really saying, that he was going to retire a few and my dad would be the top canidinate. that's pretty freaking rad :). Stay tuned to hear the final word.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Living for the awkward pictures

Sometimes I forget about the Greek "bubble" we live in. Tonight was the battle of the bands at AGO and we all came armed with fully charged cameras ready to document the night. Some pics are cute, some are funny, some are awkward, and some are please God delete that from everyones' memories. While ADChi revels in cute pictures primed for scrapbooks, we also loove silly ones. Being a silly night, the majority of the pictures fell into the silly/awkward category... nonetheless, it is college and it deserves to be preserved online for everyone to point and laugh at. 30 minutes after posting all the top-notch photos I got a message from a girl asking me to delete one of them b/c her house has been having problems with ppl taking photos and posting them on party sites. Something like this would never cross my mind. I guess b/c the people in the photos and the ppl looking at them know that it's just a bunch of goofy girls and/or guys acting like 12 year olds...sans booze, or drugs. Of course I deleted it out of respect for her b/c I can only imagine how hard it is to be a Christian minority in a worldly organization where ppl don't usually remember where they were or what they were doing in the picture taken. This small picture makes me realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by ppl that I can be real with, and have fun with and know that I don't have to worry about a picture of me being silly is going to end up on a site littered with half naked girls and drunk/horny guys. I lift about all my peers throughout the Greek community whom have to fight this fight every day, especially on weekends. May you be in the world, but not of the world and set a Godly example for those around you.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lesson to learn

Some may disagree, but I think that the fact that I have been here since spring '05 makes me wise when it comes to living with your pledge sisters and at the same time reaching out to others. Pledge semester and JA semester it is pounded into our heads to be unified as a class, and thats important b/c everyone needs to lean on each other while adjusting to the craziness of adchi, but we can't forget that we are not just groups of pledge classes, we are a united sorority with shared beliefs and goals. I always challenge people to get out of their comfort zone and get to know older and younger girls b/c they may end-up being life long friends. It is a growing process and if you are shy then it is going to be hard at times, but 8 semesters in (7 active) I can tell you that, while my pledge sis and I have a bond that can never be broken, there are many girls that aren't in my class, some 3 years younger than me, that I have been blessed me with their presence in my life. So here's the bottom line... It is important for us to maintain good relationships with our pledge sisters, but maybe just as important create bonds with people you never thought would happen, because in the end that is what will make this place so special.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sometimes I forget...

"Hey Mom and Dad"
"Hey Mom. Is Dad there?"
"Hey Dad. When is Mom getting home."
"Hey Mom. What are you getting Dad for your 31st anniversery?"

and so on....

I just forget sometimes that there are a lot of people out there my age that have divorced parents. I know some of them say it is much better that way, but I just guess I could never imagine it happening to my mom and dad. And almost all the girls I live with have parents that are still married so there's just that status quo in my bubble. And me being me sometimes I start gabbing about what they refer to my family as "the cleavers" and I hear, "Oh, my parents are divorced" (foot in mouth).

On to SLO-
There are muscles in my body that I didn't know I had and/or could be sore. I played almost the entire time, 3 games, and out of those games I pretty much played outside O-line blocker, AKA- Caspie's body guard. I have to say most of the time we were the "great wall of Delta" and ppl had a hard to getting past us. There's that stereo-type that the best position is QB or receiver, but I had more fun doing my job. Coo does to Couture for being the straight out bossy receiver, Caspie for getting the job done as QB and out back field defenders for straight out Delta domination. That all said, we came in 2nd, but it doesn't matter b/c I had too much fun to let a few cocky opponents ruin it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Pretty great. I really needed a few days to just "chill", at least before returning to the reality of a 10-12 pg paper due thursday. The ride up: Madgas, Dizzle, Tswana, Sunbright, and me= FANTABULOUS!! Dizzle, Tswana, and I got in a short tickle war which allowed them to see how I react to being tickled...very dangerous, limbs everywhere. when it was pitch black and the going got tough Madgas' Tom Tom came through...God bless the makers of GPS devices all over the world. The cabin was awesome. a lil chilly on friday, but that's where the camping mummy bag worked nicely. Got to share a room with the amazing sigmas and fell asleep giggling to their shinanagins. Saturday was great. Lots of devo time and a short stack at The Loose Cabose with the AP was great. Entertainment practice rolled around and I have to say I was a lil bummed b/c I was alone and didn't have anything planned. Luckily the Chi Class welcomed me with open-arms to join their act... what a great group of young girls (they made me realize how old I am). Oh and a shout out to Tswana's "costume" :p. that was all followed by the Delta retreat tradition of "the fruit game", in which I got "pillow whipped" many times. That game is an all-time favorite b/c I love seeing girls freak out, but it wasn't truly the same without the original peach and lime couple (aka- mings and tropi). Time to wind down and settle in for the night I offered up sharing my 'smaller than a full bigger than a twin' bunk b/c it was so cold the night before and I know from experience that more bodies= more warmth. So after Tswana and I tuck ourselves in I remembered that they turned the heat up a lil, and remember more bodies= more warmth. so there was more time spent trying to find a comfortable position, where I wasn't too hot and/or invading too much of my bunk mates space. hahaha. But thats ok, b/c I was able to make fun of her for softly (ok more than softly) snoring. The drive home was pleasant- tom tom lead the way, there was no traffic and many of us drifted in and out of consciousness. Overall, retreat was great, and I feel like I have come back closer to people than before....

Have you ever met, or been friends with someone who, while completely different, does things that remind you of a significant person from your past? I mean, no where close. darker hair, completely opposite personality, darker skin color, etc, but than I'll see a certain facial expression or hear a voice inflection and it sends me flying back 5 years. It's not a bad memories type thing, b/c we had a 'falling away' instead of a 'falling out'. different schools meant different majors, friends, and new activities which just shifted our time and priorities. Whenever I see those minascule similarities I start to wonder what they are doing. on the east coast now, with a career, and different friends, while I'm still here. not that I'm unhappy, it's just weird thinking about the fact that we were the closest friends could be without actually being blood related and now the only thing I really have is creeping their facebook now and then. I guess that's what college turns out to be a lot of times. New friends, from the age 19-23...growing together and sharing countless memories. Simply put, you could say my "bridal party" has shifted since 2004 and I think that's both awesome and sad in the same breath.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Bless America...and SNL

I freaking love America. I don't just say that because I'm patriotic, though I am, I say it because freedom of speech allows glorious shows like SNL the ability to make fun of our politicians. Some of the best skits include Will Ferrel as Bush and also as Janet Reno throwing dance parties. The newest one is Tina Fey as Sarah Palin...our future VP (just get over it democraps... ppl vote with their hearts, not their heads). But I mean really, where else do you get some of the most ridiculous politicians and... the freedom to make fun of them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9/11/2001... Where were you?

It was 6:15 AM and I was sitting at the counter eating frosted flakes while my dad stretched his back on the family room floor listening to KGB. The laughter came to a sudden stop as the DJ informed all the listeners that a plane had crashed into the side of the World Trade Center and it did not look like an accident. He said if you were near a TV to turn it on to any news channel for the latest updates. Seeing the first burning tower I ran upstairs to tell my mom to watch the news. Right as we turned the TV on we saw the second plane crash into the twin tower and it was almost as if you could feel a shriver run through the entire country. You could hear a pin drop in our house as we stood there in shock. A short time later we heard the reports of a third plane crashing into the pentagon and a fourth crash landing somewhere in Penn. I can truly say I've never been so scared in my life. Heading off to school we sat and listened to KOGO as more reports came in. Despite the fact that we were only in high school, everyone knew that the events of that day would change the world we know... and they have.

I think that this year's anniversary caries more importance b/c it is a election year and terrorism is still a hot topic. I have to say that while Bush has done some dofussy stuff while president, I think he did a pretty darn good job at supporting our country and taking action. In my opinion there was no time to sit a "talk things through" with these men... you hit the US and we will hit you back tenfold. While I'm questioning the war in Iraq, I am still certain that it was necessary to militarily respond to Afghanistan. In my mind it was not an attack on Islam, b/c I think we would have done the same thing if it was Russia, or North Korea, or any other country that attacked. I post this picture not to torment you, but to remind you what we saw and experienced together. Never forget that day, b/c it has and will define our generation and affect those still to come. So tomorrow as you go through your day try to say a prayer for all the men and women who have lost their lives either in the actual attacks or in battle defending our freedom.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I love my grandma...

My Grandma is stay with for 2 weeks and let me just tell you.... SHE'S CRAZY! Last night I recorded Gossip Girl and wanted to watch it this morning while eating my breakfast. She comes out of the downstairs bedroom, sits down at the counter and starts watching it with me. I wasn't really sure what she was going to say, but with my grandma you never know. She asked me what it was about and I told her the basic plot and she said, "Wow, that sounds fun. when is this on?"
(look of shock). I just started cracking-up. She kept commenting on how the cute clothes were and she thought Blair was funny. I really should have known. Some grandmas would slap your wrist and tell you to change the channel, but not my sir!

*If you ever met my grandma you would understand :p

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fudgees--->Tom Petty--->Tupac

Friday mornings at 9 are my favorites. It's "flush the format fridays" on 933 and that means one hour of musical madness mixed together. For example, the fudgees lead to tom petty which lead to tupac....THATS AMAZING! Last week they even threw in "these boots are made for walking"... the original nancy senatra version, not that jessica simpson crap. and then I think that lead to the violent femmes. I just keep dancing! So if you're musical schitzo and you love to dance you should tune in.

The GRE sucks. I truly hate studying for this crap! I feel like the questions point and laugh at me from the page. the math you need to know is like 8-10th grade math and I feel like an idiot when I read the problem and forget how compute the slope of a line.... I KICKED @$$ AT like 8th grade:x

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

way too long

Sorry to all my "loyal" readers...haha, I've been away for so long. Just not too much going on. Work, is so great, I work like 3 hours a week, it's a good thing I'm not supporting myself. Monday was my Birfday. Yay! 22.. Woohoo. Best part was going to Ruth Chris. I'm such a snobby carnivore. Biggest thing I'm excited about is the concert I'm going to next week. Journey, Heart, Cheap Trick... Don't hate. It's gonna be awesome. "I want you! to want me!" and "Barracuda!! and "The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on turning!" You might not know what I'm talking about, but if you heard the songs you would totally know all the lyrics. Totally lame, but I want to make a shirt that says, "Do-not insult Journey, ok!" - Ryan Atwood, The OC. hahaha. Anyway, highlight of the week will be attending the half-yearly preview sale at Nordstrom. Yes, the Hunter family is pimp and we got an invite to pre-sale all the clothes before anyone else. Alright, 'nough said, have a great week :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Agent 86+Agent 99= Get Smart= Amazing

So I just went to see Get Smart with my parents and it's freaking hilarious. It's based off a 60's show, but it doesn't matter if you've seen the show to get the movie. Although... if you have parents who watched it, make it a family outing cause they'll love it too (my dad did). In all seriousness, it is one of the better movies I've seen in a long time. It's 2 hours, but you laugh pretty much the whole time, sometimes even hysterically. Steve Carell plays Maxwell Smart, a secret agency analysis before he is promoted to a field agent (86). He is paired with agent 99, a hot kick ass agent, played by Anne Hathaway. He's a buffoon, but she's a super spy so they get things done. Steve is really funny the whole way through and Anne is the perfect costar.... Who knew our lil princess Mia would grow up to be a super-spy. I'm totally inspired to go take some tae-boo classes, learn to walk/run/fight in stilettos and buy so super hot clothes, then go work for a secret spy department. So if you wanna see a funny movie with some great actions scenes and a sweet, but not over done romance story go see Get Smart. Oh and there will definitely be a sequel b/c in the t.v. serious 86 and 99 go on to get married and continue to fight crime. yay!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

73 degrees and air conditioning?

So I was looking at a discussion board this morning at I was reading some posts b/t some ppl in Germany and one of the girls said it was a good thing that she had air conditioning b/c it was hot. So being the curious meteorologist that I am I looked online to see how hot it was................. 73 degrees. really? are you kidding me? that's jeans, bring a cotton jacket cause it might get cold weather. shoot we don't turn on the air conditioning until it gets up to like 85 in the house, not outside. It's all about the fans, pools, and beaches... and least amount of clothing socially acceptable. It's 105 in palm springs and we are slathering the suntan lotion on and chillaxin' out at the pool. I guess we are mutants here in the southwest and have evolved to the point where we don't think it's unbearable until it's like 100. not 73. Anyway, I just that was funny, 2 more days of freedom 'til I have to go to work... mind-numbing work.

Monday, June 2, 2008

4 months to save the world

Yes, it is official. my entire family (mom, sister, me...even my dad) is going to the Madonna concert at Petco on Nov 4th 2008 :). I'm sure it will be a crazy concert with interesting fans, but it's just one of those "things to do before you get married"... or she gets a hip transplant event. We got some great seats they are on the first base line second tier so we can see the stage really well. I'm sure that since it is going to be in nov that it's going to be colder then... well, cold (atleast for us San Diegoites). If there is anything going on that tuesday, sorority, family school, it will just have to wait. If it were nov right now I know what I would wear. My cute straight-leg jeans, black boots, green v-neck sweater, multi-colored scarf and my gray jacket... but I'm sure we will get something different. I have to find a way to get my moms camera in there b/c it takes awesome pics and even HD video. Anyway, I'm just so excited about it.

Monday, May 19, 2008


OMG!!!  Im totally hooked on Gossip Girl now.  My parents tivo GG for me so I get to catch up either when I'm by myself or hanging out with my mom (I think she secretly loves teen drama). I was skeptical of it at first b/c people were comparing it to the OC, but once I accepted the fact that it is a darker, preppier, more risque, east coast show I learned to love it.  The only thing I'm worried about is that the writers will turn Serena into another Marissa. The guys are pretty hot, except I think its pretty weird that they had a photo spread (clothed) in Out, the magazine.  It's just so suspenseful... devious.  I was watching last weeks episode today, preparing for the finale tonight, and the end... it was just so crazy.  If you haven't started watching it, you should, and don't give me crap about it being inappropriate because there are plenty of other shows that are out there that are just as risque!  So tune in tonight to ch 5 (CW) at 8pm to see if there will be a wedding or not... and who's kissing who now, adults and youth alike... there may be the workings of a parental "super couple" and thats exciting ;p. 

Friday, May 16, 2008

Anotha baby momma...

So I'm gonna put my white T, Apple Bottom jeans and Air Force ones on to write this blog.  I was cruising through today and I saw a news article that said our favorite TV mom (Kirsten) had herself a lil Sophie Rose.  I click on the link and it says she had a baby girl and the dad was her ex-fiance that left her while she was pregnant...that ain't coo foo.  I read this blurb earlier that said he was the richest guy in Canada and he left his ex-wife either before she gave birth to their child, or right after...what a hood rat.  making baby mommas outta all these po' women... Punk @$$.  I 'on't care what the sucka say... you ain't leave yo shawty right before she berf yo baby.  What, he think he a gangsta!? I bets he lil punk.  and you know what Nigel from TDWP say, "little man..... biggggggg ego".  Word.  I'ma tell yo sumin' right now. I ain't neva eva gonna be some hood rat, foo's baby momma. Lemme tel ya summin' else.  Sandy Cohen woulda neva pull'd that crap homes.  I guess it jus show that crap like dat knows no hood, race, social status or even international borders... Man that sucks for her.
Ok.  Im putting my white girl clothes back on.  IT'S SUMMER!!! WOOOT WOOOO!!!! I get to relax and read books that I bought in like feb but haven't gotten a chance to read.  I am kinda sad there are so many people that are going home.  But there are still a lot that are staying out here, so I can hang out with them a lot.  It's so blazing right now but I kind of like it.  I'm gonna start to slowly pack up stuff to take home.  I'm excited to sleep in my room for the ho summer :).  Well, I'm gonna try to get home so I can fulfil my addiction to the greatest ten show.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cat fights and every girl's psyche

So I was watching Mean Girls today and one scene really got me thinking about a girl's Psyche.  It's the scene where Regina is pushing back Aaron's hair and trying to make Cady jealous and then they show Cady jumping over the table like a crazy animal scratching and pulling out Regina's hair.  At the same time you see Aaron and all the other guys jumping around like monkeys enjoying the fight.  I just think that really says a lot about how girls feel sometimes,; especially when they're younger.  You get into these situations where friends, or enemies, or even "frendimies" try to make you jealous by being cocky about a boy, or material goods, or even a spot on a sports team/social committee that you wanted but she got. 

I have personal experiences with these situations.  For instance, there was a girl in high school on the golf team that wanted to make sure everyone knew she was the best on the team.  The thing is that she wasn't even that great and there was a freshman climbing the ladder who was better than her.  She'd just walk around like she was the shiznit and sometimes I wanted to walk up to and whack her with my club or hit into her on the course.  Then I had the roommate from hell and she was just so annoying and mean.  

When you are put in the situations as a girl there are only a few ways to deal with it.  You can bottle it up and then have some little thing make it explode some day or you can brush your shoulder off.  Personally, I know it is so hard to "brush ya shoulda off".  The other thing is that while fighting is socially unacceptable it is even more unacceptable when girls fight.  Guys get pissed, punch each other and they are better in a few days.  With girls the aftermath can last a life time.  Even when it's just a verbal blow up it may be years before you talk to them.  That leads to an even sadder reality and that is the fact that even when we are adults we still have those urges to go crazy on that other girl, scratch her face, and rip her hair out because we can't stand her.  But we can't and we won't because we are civilized and proper women who don't take part in such unruly activities.

I have to say I just love that movie b/c it goes a lil deeper than the average teeny-bopper movie.  every girl in the room can relate to some character...whether a plastic or a side character.  It also reminds me how sad it is that Lindsay Lohan's life/career has pretty much gone down the crapper.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Get a life people

So when I was wandering through the wonderful world of facebook I stumbled across a link for "fanfic" (fan fiction).  It took me back to the days of middle/high school when all the dorky kids would write fanfic about their favorite book, show, movie, or even celebrity (which is totally creepy!).  It just me wonder how much time people really spend devoted to caring on a story, or in some cases creating one.  I guess I get it, I mean I know how I sometimes I feel a lil unsatisfied by the end of a story, like maybe theres more to it, but I'm not going to sit down and write "chapters" about my thoughts.  Allow me to give you some examples; the finale of the oc- Does Kirsten become a stay at home mom? Do Ryan and Taylor get married? and so on.  The Lyndsay Lohan Parent Trap- So they get married, but where are they going to live? Enchanted- It's happily ever after but does that mean that they get married the next day? or does she just move in with them?  are they...."kissing" ;)?  So you catch my drift.  The reality is that I may have to live with those questions because I'm not going to take the time to write a story...or they make a sequel and we all pray that it doesn't suck.  I think the only finite stories are the ones that end with someone  dying.  Could you image in if Jack lived in the Titanic?  there would be "fanfic" up the ying yang... actually, I think some people did write some for that, though I'm not sure how the stories held together.  But who knows, maybe if I procrastinated even more and wrote a few drafts I could write some awesome fanfic too!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NBC, SNL... you make me so, so, so....ANGRY! hah! I'm angry.

If there is any show in world that should just put all of its material on youtube its SNL!  SNL is one of those shows that maybe you forgot about or didn't stay up for and then the next day someone tells you about a funny skit and you're bummed.  Than you get excited and they try to find the bit, but by the time they've search the entire world wide web, the moment has pasted and you're back at your desk working. 
I was online and I saw something about a past show (3/8) which Amy Adams hosted and it said there were some really funny/cute skits in it.  So like any normal person with Internet I went straight to youtube and typed in snl, Amy Adams. nothing except commercials came up.  so then I typed in snl, 2008.  Now I got a clip from the show ellen page hosted, and it wasn't even funny!  So plan B, I went on  They should have it b/c they have episode replay. searching, searching, searching... no episode replay.  pictures and recaps but not video.  (keep in mind I'm also doing this to waste time :)) So finally I get on yahoo and I type in amy adams, snl.  and I get some of the clips.  and they were funny.  the monologue included a Broadway song and B*!ch slapping, there was a ABC family spoof, and a Rodger Clemens play (which would only be funny if you kept up with baseball, steroids, and Clemens).  Anyway, the point is, I feel like NBC should not be such jerks about allowing skits up on youtube. Its not just new ones!  its will farrell, mike myers, etc...they re not there.  In fact, nbc should just give in and create a snl channel on youtube.  Its not like they are loosing money after its aired.  I don't want to wait for a freaking rerun!  
Anyway, I think that being a host is like a symbol of being the real deal.  I mean if you're good, you'll be on oprah (which is a dream), if you're cute you're in a magazine, if you're hot you're on the cover, but if people really like you than thats when you get to host snl.... if on top of all of that you are talented, you get a good monologue and lots of skit time.  I would love to do that.  But I think I would suck b/c I would just start laughing.  well enough ranting and raving, I guess I should move on to some hw. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I saw this picture online and that it's just so glamorous!  Can you even pick out some of today's biggest actresses? top left; Emily Blunt (DWP), then Amy Adams in the green and Anne Hathaway in white.  then Ellen Page from Juno is in the center and America Fererra on the far right.  You just don't see celebrities like this anymore.  It's so cool, it makes me want to go classic glam.  Makes me think of my lil. I wish I would of known about this issue b/c I would of bought it.  Speaking of retro classic...

If you haven't done so yet, you need to take your friends, moms and/or grandmas to go see Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.  It takes place in 1939 in London right before WWII and it tells the story of a modest governess, Miss Pettigrew, who ends up working as a ditsy actress', Delysia (Amy Adams), social secretary.  In one day Ms Pettigrew helps Delysia sort out her feelings for 3 different men in her life.  She also realizes that she is lonely and needs to deal with things in her life.  The costumes were awesome and as usual, Amy Adams is precious.  It was really interesting how they dealt with WWII looming in the shadows.  For most of the moving a lot of the characters were non-chalet about it all, but after an air-raid drill scared Delysia she asked Ms Pettigrew, "We're going to war aren't we :'(?"  Anyways, you should see it b/c its precious...

Friday, March 21, 2008


I am victorious!  I have only had 2 radio request go through in my whole life and the first one was saved and used the next night b/c they played my call-in and then the music.  That was back in middle school and the song was "pretty fly for a white guy".  So since I hadn't heard it yet I called 933 and requested 4 minutes and they said they would put it on their list.... 60 minutes later the DJ says, "alright, lets start spring break off right" and then.....It came on!  seriously, how many years have I been calling radio stations.  I guess I'll have to wait another 8 years to get a song on the radio. :).......VICTORY IS MINE!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

*light bulb*

So as of this moment you can hear the finished version of the Madonna/jt/timba song, 4 minutes , on youtube, and as I was listening to it I was saying to myself, "self.  JT is in like 4 of her songs for this album and what usually happens when an artist collaborates on multiple songs with another artist?.... THEY TOUR TOGETHER!!!!"  :0!  O-M-G.  so if that happens I will go. I don't even care if its $200 for nose-bleeders and in LA.  I'll pay the money and as of right now I want to get of people thinking about going if that happens b/c my sister will either be preggers or have a new born so she can't go and I think it would take a lot of work to get my mom to go.  I mean that's like 2 big headliners in one concert... what a deal, even if it is $200.  God knows there would be a lot of gay dudes.  they would be there to stare at Justin (you should have seen the concert) and also be there to worship their queen.  anyway, go listen to song and dance around b/c its Thursday (actually Friday for some of us)... get into the grove and express yourself!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So Cloe...

So I baught it and we watched it... well some did, but let me just reiterate how much I love Enchanted.  Towards the end there is a scene at a ball, and call me cheesy (CHEESY!), but ballroom dancing is so incredibly romantic.  Especially the waltz. It's a very formal dance, but there's this special feeling that comes with it that makes it so beautiful.  You can see what I mean in this scene because when the song starts Robert and Giselle are doing the basic steps and then they just break out and spin and end up close to the point where they were going to kiss.....  If you haven't seen the movie, but want to see what I mean go on youtube and search for "enchanted, so close", or just come over anytime this week b/c it will be on 24/7

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Be prepared to be Enchanted.

I get out of class at 1:45 and I'm hoping to be to target by 2:15 to buy Enchanted.  If you haven't seen it... you need to.  I think I could watch it more than once this week and be fine with that.

Smile Factors
-30 years of marriage for my parents
-Movies that put a smile on your face
-Justin Timberlake music
-My tuesday afternoon frap :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008



So it is official, the Queen of Pop, Crown Prince (future King) of Pop, and the Grand Vizier of Pop have all come together.  I would call Justin Timberlake the King, but Michel Jackson is still alive...though crazy.  A grand vizier is like really powerful advisor to the head of state (ottoman history).  The song is called "4 minutes to save the world" and while I'm totally biased x3, I like it.  It is what could get her back on channel 933, b/c while she has not gone away, US pop radio has not been bumping her jams.  and we all know Timbaland is a musical wizard.  If we are talking in terms of royalty I would compare madonna to Queen Elizabeth I b/c she was a badass, sassy, ballbuster for her time.  Anyway, the count down begins 'til april 29...46 days! (but keep your eyes/ears open cuz the single comes out in a few weeks)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laws to live by...

So there can be sooooo many rules when you live in a house, I think that by simplifying them would make them more meaningful.

Housekeeping requirements would be:
- do your dishes
- don't leave all your crap in the common rooms
- and most importantly.... REMOVE YOUR HAIR BALLS FROM THE SHOWER! I just want to gag when I go to get in the shower and see those things chilling in the tub.

Now more importantly than housekeeping there are things that must be done to create a good house dynamic
- Respect each other.  It doesn't matter how old you are, we are all adults and should treat/be treated like adults. (IE- no high horses allowed)
- Be courteous to each other.  people might be going to bed early, studying, or devoing and that means we shouldn't be running and screaming through the entire house
- Give lots of hugs.  In my opinion hugging can only brighten a person's day.
- Laugh and loosen up.  I personally think that laughter is the best medicine... and drinking orange juice.  Life is too ridiculous to get all out of whack over every little thing that doesn;t go your way.  I know there are days when crying is all we can do, but give me a few minutes and I'll find something to make you smile/laugh.

*These are not responses to current housing policies, it's just how think about what the atmosphere in a house, where large or small, should be.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

red party cups

In another lifetime this a particular crib would be littered with those iconic college cups.  But we are not that type of group, so even if we had stacks of red party-cups they would be filled with non-alcoholic beverages and neatly disposed of in the trash can at the end of the day.  Thats all I can say as of right now.  I know God will provide.

Monday, March 10, 2008

please pray

Please pray for me this coming week.  Do I stay comfortable (actually get more comfortable), or do I need a change of scenery?  Pray that my flesh is removed from this big and emotional decision (its actually mostly emotional b/c Im hormonal).  I know of girls that changed their scenery and subsequently gained more love and respect for it all, but I also know girls who changed their scenery and disappeared.  I don't want to be that second girl.  So Pleaseeeeeee Pray.

From "Eastlake" to "The Lakes"

My sister is constantly complains about being too far away from her family so whenever she gets a chance she points out new housing developements in the area.  Well she finally found one that makes my mom drool like she did over our current residence.  These houses are less than a mile away from my sisters house and they are pretty darn bomb. To put it simply the slogan is, "The Lakes, Above Rancho Sante Fe"....RANCHO SANTA Fing FE!!!  the home home sd newpsies. The one my mom likes is 5400 sq ft (1200 more than mine), 3 or 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bath.  It's got a 4 car garage, but its around to the side of the house so you can't see it.  The back yards are huge and you could do the craziest things back there.  There are also some interior courtyards, which are really cool.  Oh and it has a "prep kitchen" for entertaining and catering needs..... thats a bug assumption that we will have catered events. It's actually kind of funny because I think that our kitchen and great room are bigger than this one.  I told my mom that if we moved up there (which wouldnt happen for awhile) I would have to get a new car b/c my lil hooptie sentra just won't do.  I just don't know how I feel about leaving the 619.... I mean do they have REAL mexican food up there.  Because a girl from chula viiiiista can't live w/o some good greasy mexican food.  I think I'd feel like a monkey that had lived with the fishes all her life, suddenly thrown into a community of monkeys and have to train herself to be a monkey and not a fish.  I need some BC plates to feel at home!!!  My mom said she could easily move and I know my dad wants to b/c he thinks the drug wars are creeping to close to our hood.  Just to be crazy I would buy a pair of chonklas, baggy sweatpants, and wifebeats....gotta bring a lil southbay culture to north county. Now this may happen in the future, but I probably will be out of the house by then (my parents hope I will), because the market is down and my mom is going to have to get an even fattier contract than she did last time.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dying to get on the field

Honestly I don't know what has gotten into me.  I guess it's the talk of spring training and the beginning of softball leagues, but I really want to get out there and play some ball.  I know it's super cheesy but I can't wait to play in the church league with my dad and aunts.  we are actually a pretty good team.  I think we lost twice last year.  I think I'm going to go get some knee pads for this year b/c I want to get a little dirtier.  I really wish that I could put together a co-ed team to play in the ARC league made up of girls from adx and guys from ago.  Whenever I'm over in the ps4/stormhall area of campus I can hear the clang of bats and the chatter of players. It makes me very nostalgic.  I ended up on the Bonita Valley website and they have pictures of t-ball and roockie games and they were so cute I almost started to cry.  Its almost as if they are too big for all their equipment.  I really hope we play in the SigEp phil next semester and maybe we wil get lucky and get a few more ballers.  We were pretty good, but we had one horrible inning in each game.  We also got stuck with doofer coaches who had to barrow gloves from their roommates and played a combined 2 seasons.  It would be cool if we could set it up that my dad come out once and run a short practice.  I think 40 years of playing/coaching ball makes him more qualified to get us ready.  Anywho.... I can't wait to get on the field again and walk off dirty and sweaty.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

No passport needed

So I have to admit that I totally love the JAs.  They are totally united and tight-knit, but they are so easy to hang out with.  I know Im a senior and almost all of them are freshmen, but its fun to change it up and hang out with the young girls.  I feel like this is very different then some other classes that are super cliquey and selective of who they hang out.  I'm happy that I have 1 more year with these girls cause they are so rad for being so young.  

5 Chi's, 1 Rho, and 2 Sigmas lounging at retreat (* Plus Krio and Italy out of sight)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank Goodness!

So there were 12 but before they got names there were 11.  I have found out that the 12th pledge's name was going to be Madonna! OMG!  I hate to say it, but Im almost glad she dropped b/c Im inactive and I would have loved to have a lil named Madonna! haha.  There are sooo many cool things I could make her.  I would make her a cd of fun songs and I would totally modpodge a journal of pictures of all her different styles and songs!  omg.  hahaha.  Im totally kinding but it would still be amazing.  If I were PM I would name them madonna songs, Lucky Star, Ray of Light, Music, Holiday....and so on.  Anyway, I gotta hit the sack b/c I have a funneral to go to in the morning :( 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So I really want to learn how to ballroom dance, but I kind of want to dance to remixed songs.  If you have seen take the lead you know what I'm talking about.  They take classic dances like the rumba, salsa, and tango but take the songs and remix it with new beats.  the steps are the same the rythm is just a lil different.  I actually kind of want to learn all of the traditional dances.  I think that the waltz is very classic and romantic.  Swing, the rumba, and salsa are really fun dances and tango is just crazy sassy it gets ya all giggly.  I donno it just really looks fun.

If you're a wuss go play rec ball

So the whole hazing thing and its affect on pledging is really bugging me.  First of all nothing we do is hazing in anyway and we have all done it, survived, grown, and enjoyed it.  Now things have gotten to the point where Informal is going to be a joke.  I feel like we might as well have rush and give them pins at pref dinner.  whatever happened to earning something.
The statement was made that, "this is a social organization and we can't ask them to do anything".  well I understand that to a pont, but the thing is that they made the choice to pledge when they signed that lil paper and with that they should know their are certain tradition that come with it.  To better explain my train of thought I'm going to compare it to playing softball...
So I played rec softball for 9 years before I got to high school.  When it came time to dicide if I wanted to pl
ay softball I knew that it was going to involve more time, dedication an effort than rec ball did.  I didn't just go up to the coach and say, "hi.  I played 9 years of ball so I should be on varsity".  I went to try outs, showed the coaches what I had and waited for their decision.  Like other
s before I didnt go to varsity as a freshman, I went on jv.  And making the team was just the beginning.  I had to prove that I deserved to be on the team and start each game.  Aloing with that came lots of running, diving, hitting, fielding, throwing, scars, and horrible tan lines.  Unlike pledging, when informal is at the end, we have hell week at the beginning on the season.  Now they call it hell week for a reason.  It's a lot of conditioning and while we were tired and complained a lil, we never called cif and told them we were being hazed because the coach was making us run 2 miles a day!!!  If you played sports in high school you may cringe when you think of hell week, but we all know it was wo
rth it, because there was so much to be learned and improved so that some day we could be on varsity too.  If I wanted to compare Delta to a softball team in the area I would say we are a EastLake, Bonita, Torrey Pines, or even Scrpits ranch program.  we expect a lot out of the girls that come in and we want them to improve so that when the varisty girls graduate they are ready step right into their shoes and continue to be successful.  I never want to be a Sweatwater, Southwest, or Marian program, where you're a starting varsity pitcher if you have a glove and have played 2 seasons ball.  If a good team just asked a bunch of girls what position they played without actually seeing them in action how 
successful do you think that team would be.
I guess my point is that if you want to kick around and play for fun, go play rec ball, where you go and play 14 games, have a playoff and then start another season.  In other words, if all you want is so good fellowship and friends without having to show your loyality; go to campus crusade or refuge.  like we've been saying since 1925.... ADCHI OR DIE!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

like omg dude thats like so rad

hahaha... dude I mosdef want to head down south to visit my new friends and whip out every california cliche that I can think of.  I think the "like" thing would not be hard to do because I do it all the time and like my mom totally yells at me....HAHAHA.  I would bring 3 pairs of shoes; rainbows, chucks/vans, and uggs, surf brand clothes, and big sunglasses.  I'd keep it really causal, because "we are soo laid back man".  On my Ipod I would only have sprung monkey, sublime, blink, OC music, dre, 2pac, snoop, badfish...and any other socal bands.  Anyway, I'm just a dork and would totally love to go to small town south and get a feel for the whole two stop lights down main street culture.

You know I've been noticing that there are so many people around me with broken hearts.  We are too young for heart ache.  18-22 is supposed to be the best time of your life and it hurts to see people so low.  I'm used to seeing a sparkle in eyes and smiles on faces and those should never fade.  I think with some people more than others I can take one look at them and see that something is wrong.  I may not know what it is at the time, but I do know they need a hug.  A hug won't necessarily fix it, but if it can provide any comfort I want to provide that.  I know it may take time, but I look forward to the day when that sparkle and those smiles can be seen again.  I also hope they know that I'm a comfortable sholder to lay their head on.

In other news, my mom busted her leg last night and is going to be in a cast for about a month.  You can tell she feels defeated by this b/c she is such a strong person and when she trips on a gas hose and ends up laying on the ground crying in pain you know its bad.  When my mom cries I want to cry because things like this are not supposed to happen to your mom...especially mine.  I think she is the most upset about the fact that we are going to hawaii in 5 weeks and she might be in a cast...major bust.  So keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A wonderful weekend in wonderful Berekley

What a weekend!  I think that the Delta chapter is officially the loudest and most obnoxious chapter in ADX.  Wednsday through sunday was crazy!  Weds night Sandlot and I went to pick up girls from Alabama, Dew and Sunkist, and we almost got arrested by the rent-a-cop airport security.  I absoluuuuutely loved the Alabama girls, they were so cute and I actually think that their accent rubbed off on me, but thats cool because I love it.  Californias are so boring.  I mean I know that we arent all rock/movie stars, but our culture is broadcasted to the entire world through entertainment.  The best thing about having them stay with us is when we (Jag and I) took the girls to the AGO basketball game and seeing the look on their faces when they saw what girls wear to go out, quote, "ya'll really go out in that?!"  That night we also all decided to get pierced when we went to convention, but thats a different story.
Thursday night I got a grand total of 2.5 hrs of sleep b/c I had not packed before the basketball game and then I got up at 3:00 AM!!!  I was able to get in the shower, finish packing, and eat breakfast before other people were up!  The boys were nice enough to get up early and give us rides to the airport in the rain.  I thought we might 

be a lil loud, but when people hit the seats and fastened their seatbelts they were 
out cold!!!  In order to keep our hord of girls together, around 40, we were coralled and herded to the Beta house by some Beta girls.  After we got settled we hit the streets!!

"Hitting the Streets" included, eating lunch on campus, admiring an abundance of red and blue gingham in the thrift shop, navigating 10 girls into a cramped store, and making a pit stop at Berkeley's #1 piercing shop, "Zebras"....

Before 40 Deltas invaded Berekeley, Zebras was Italy's piercing shop of choice and she told us that when we went up there she was going to get another piercing and krio was gonna do it too.  Well that turned into a big conversation on thursday night about what each person wanted to get if we went there.  Jag decided on a belly botton ring, Dew and I wanted our noses done, and Sunkist wanted to get her lip pierced (side note: Sandlot said she w
ould do something, but in the end "too many people got piercings" and she didnt want to do it anymore beca
use of that). We were all going to wait for italy, but after we walked by it on our way to lunch we knew we had to go back after we ate.  I think that by the time everyone, including those that didnt get anything pierced, pilled their way into the shop we doubled to number of ppl in the store.  Well when the time can to get 'er done we pilled 10 people into the back room which is probably meant for no more than like 3, ppl included; me, dew, sunkist, tootsie, krio, twsanna, luganda, jag, mou rou, and juju.
  none-the-less, five of the 10 came out with new wholes and the other 5 had plenty of pictures to document the extravaganza. (Check out jag and twsana's facebooks for pics :))

The time to return was upon us and aft
er we were all back to the beta house, we were herded to the church where we were going to be staying at.  I think it was at that moment that Delta made their presence known b/c that is when we all laid down, head-on-belly style, and took up most of the room.  Versace, krio, italy, dior, and I went out to eat at this place called "crape a-go-go" and I never knew that a lil crape could satisfy me so well.  The overall set-up of our accomidations blew b/c there were only 3 bathrooms for like 180 girls.  But Delta being Delta, we made due and piled 10-12 ppl in one bathroom and brushed/washed/peed at the same time.  None of us got much sleep last night, but I think that was partly our fault since we are soooo LOUD.  

The actual convention was the next day and b/c we were staying at a church the lay-out was not great for getting ready so I know that my hair looked like crap but overall we figured it out.  We had to walk, in the rain, to another church, where the actual convention was being held.  We had a really neat speaker talk to us and chapter updates were cool the loot for sale was cool, the lunch was yummy, but the best part of lunch was seeing kix and the rest of the crazies start "big booty, big, booty"...or in some cases teaching girls how to play it.  The day wound down, but the end of the actual convention, meant the start of Deltamania.  

I don't know what got into us, but after dinner there was dancing, tickle wars, thong snapping, pantsing attemps, wrestling, and constant screaming.  Now you have to realize that while you had all of us going crazy the other chapters stared us like we were crazy (but I think we were having more fun entertaining ourselves).  Actually we seranaded everyone with our famous AGO song from last year and song our bid song.  I was just cracking up because we were being so obnoxious, but it was so great.  They set up a game for us to all play, but it was really boring and I wanted to either go to bed or hang out more.

It came time to hit the sack b/c again we had to get-up at the butt crack of dawn and get ready to fly home.  Italy had gone home so I was without a sleeping bag, but I thought I would be ok with just my blanket.  wrong. I got so cold that I laid my jacket on top of me.  The next morning Twsanna told me that she had asked if I wanted to share sleeping bag configutations, but I guess I was tired and didn't hear. bust.  We chartered a bus to take us back to the airport and not only was the guy late but it was rainy and I think he drove in the middle of 2 lanes the whole time.  He then took us to the international terminal, parked and said...oh didn't you want Southwest?  I then got pulled into secondary and put in the "puffer" machine.  We made it back just fine and there were only 2 things people wanted to do when they got back.... 1) shower 2) sleep.

So the trip was a success and I haven't had that much fun in a long time.  I know this sounds cocky, but I'm so glad I'm in Delta.  Everywhere you went the other girls were like, "oh you're delta?"  We're famous! (we also had the Psi groupies)  I know this may sound even worse, but we are also the cutest chapter. I mean there were cute girls in other chapters, but we were the cutest overall chapter.  It's a different feeling to be a part of something as cool as our chapter.  I also really loved this weekend because I rekindled some friendships and made some new ones.  Some with girls I never really thought would happen.  I'm still breaking in some of of the JAs but thats cool.  Now it's back to the real world, and that means; studying for a mid-term and reading for a paper due tomorrow.  I am excited for tonight b/c our lil pledgies loose their "names" hehehehe....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Invisible Cloak

So today was pretty funny.  I think that being in starbucks or holding a starbucks drink is my harry potter invisible cloak.  I walked into Starbucks @ Aztec Center after class and you know how sometimes there's that limbo land where you don't know who's in line and who is waiting for their drink, well I got stuck in that.  I stood in line, so I thought, behind a guy that kept creeping in the direction of the line and then all of the sudden some girl comes flying past us and gets in line!  I swear I have a "cut me" sign on my back (oh and the guy was not in line so I guess it was kind of my fault....BUT HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!). So then I get my drink and I stroll down the steps towards SS and I see Teso (I know this because of the bangs now :D).  we almost hit each other, but I was taking a drink so I couldn't say anything, and she didn't see me!  Then.... as Im walking through the Factulty/Staff lot some huge truck drives up over the sidewalk and almost hits me.... geeez people.  Anyway,  it was all funny.  I'm trying to decide if I'll act sad tonight.  I probably won't because I don't think my humor/sarcasm is understood or appriciated yet.  One thing I hope people understand, the young ones atleast, is that if I'm joking with you that is a clear sign I want to hang out/get to know you.  They also need to know that 99.999% of what I say is in good humor, and I love them all.

cleanliness is next to Godliness. right?

Soooooo convention is in like 4 days and while I'm super excited to go up there I'm not looking forward to the fact that we are not allowed to take showers saturday morning!  We're going to go up there in the rain, trek around the city, get sweaty and cold and suffer from suuuuuper frizzy hair and you're telling me I have to go to a convention the next day w/o a shower?!  I understand there are a lot of us and I understand that some go a whole week w/o shower, but I also know that some people need to shower everyday.  I'm going to be pissed when I wake-up in the morning with frizzy, out of control hair and be told to deal with it.  The thing about not showering for me is that when I don't shower I get a super dirty feeling and its like I start itching from head to toe.

Heres how you handle it.  I've seen where the Beta house is and it looks pretty big, like they might have 4 showers.  Create a sign-up sheet for each bathroom and each girl gets 20mins.  that is definently enough time to quickly jump in the shower and do whatever you have to do.  If you run out of time and can't dry your hair Im sure that there are outlets around the house where you can plug your dryer in to finish.  Another thing to take into account is that some people can take showers at night if they feel dirty after traveling and walking around town.  Now for the girls who were so adimat about us not taking're out of luck :).  

So in order to get a shower friday morning I have to get up at 315 am because we are leaving at 430!  whooop di doooo!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Honeeeyyyy...why no laugh?

Dude.  How can you not no laugh at the nail shop video clip!!!  Not human.  Watch it then go get your nails done and you will realize how amazing it is.  :)

Im excited because there are some girls from alabama that are coming on weds to say with us til friday.  I love people from the South.  They entertain me, but we probably entertain them just the same, singing Phantom Planet's "California" or Sprung Monkey's "Get 'em outta here".  Well it's time for bed.... and honnneeeey! you so pritty, like maaadol! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Independence Day

So I was watching a lil bit of Independence Day today before we went to run errands.  Let me tell you that that movie gives me the chills.  I'm not a conspirity theorist or a believer in aliens, but watching the scene where all the space ship hover over the major cities and then detroy iconic buildings just gives me the willies.  It just brings back 9/11 and seeing the WTC go down in flames and all the dabry that rushed through the streets.  With the way the world is now and how there is this costant tension b/t countries its just scary to think all the distruction we could cause.  It's also very apocoliptic, when you see the clouds that preceed the spaceships.  anyway, its time to go to dinner and celebrate both my sister and paris hilton's birthday. :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Breakin' 'em in like a new softball glove

So we got the new Psi class...oh my.  But I think I'm more excited about the new JAs.  They're still finding their comfort spot and are a lil timmid, but I just love it.  There are those girls you know are fitsy and fun, but you just have to break them in like a brand new glove.  I remember when I got my glove.  I think it was about 10 years ago and it took time and oil and 2 softballs nessled inside to get it just right... 10 years later, it's scratch up and floppy and I would never get rid of it!!  Anyay, back to what I was saying,  I know I can do it, right now they think I'm a lil crazy, but they will soon see the amazingness of my madness and hilarity.  Well I got a nice day ahead of me tomorrow; getting my hair done and then going to a really cool restaraunt for my sisters birthday... speaking of which, she has the same birthday as Micheal Jordan and and Paris Hilton. THAT'S HOT!!!

Mindless chatter about nothingness

I've watched 5 movies in the last 12 hours and 3 of them have had red-head main characters.  Whenever we watch  movies like this people discuss their desire for red hair.  I think more than any other hair color, having red hair is a fine balance.  You have to have the perfect combination of porcieln skin, light eyes, and a slight tint of pink in the cheeks.  For a person like me, the best I can do is put some daaaaaaaark red low-lights in my hair, so that when it hits the sun you can see the color.  But I like that because its kind of like a suuuuuprise!!!

In other news: I'm still sick and that sucks!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

way to simple minded

So sometimes I'm way to simple minded and sometimes I just can't keep people straight!!!  I remember in elementary school there were twins, brian and joey.  In first grade they were in the same class and I would always have to look and see what they were wearing each day in order to keep them straight!  Well I haven't really gotten better the years... except lizzie and sandlot.  while they're identical twins I can tell the difference.  anyways, the sad part now is that I feel like every semester there are atleast to girls I always get confused.  My pledge semester I always got tropi and straty confused.  actually I always called straty tropi, but never called tropi straty.  Sigma semester I always got Corve and 'stang mixed up...similar hair color, and freckels.  Phiphy class I always got channel and couture fact I'm still getting that straightened out.  Nooooow....I gotta actually deals with twins! haha.  Kind of like Brian and Joey, I have to watch what they're wearing and who their big is! hahaha...I just get sooo confused.

Today, being valentines days, has been great! haha.  woke-up coughing, hair ooks horrible,  nose running faster than the Yosemite Falls in Spring time.  I wanted to have pizza with people, but I have gotten no rsvps so I think I'll just be in my sweats and watch more movies.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I baught/watched/pre-ordered 3 movies ( Actually I watched two of them).  The first one I got first was  "the prince and me"last night, but I didnt watch that one.  then I went to bestbuy and baught Parent trap and laws of attraction (those are the 2 I watched).  If you havent done it yet you should really watch Laws of Attraction.  It stars Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore.  Pierce plays Daniell, a somewhat cocky divorce lawyer from NYC...and hes handsome!!  Juliannne plays a cute, but too bussy to persue a love life divorce lawyer in NYC.  Things get steammy, commplicated and romantic as the get drunk in ireland doing research for the case. So It's super sweet, and while hes"kinda old", you can't help to admit that pierce brosnan is good looking.  I think it's the james bond complex...once you play, no matter age, you beecome a grade a hunk.

The other movie I watched was Parent Trap.  I know its tottally Disney cheese, but I cant help but love it!  Before lindsey lost her freckles and went into rehab.  I also love Chessy and sassy.  Anyway, I'm in a cheesy state of mind and if you ever want to join me feel free

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

another prince charming movie

Im such a softy.  I'm such a sucker for cheesy disneyesc prince charming movies.  I just watched "The Prince and Me" and I got all gitty inside.  you know, the handsome prince charming and the normal, yet cute regular girl.  Even though it's rated PG there's the SASSY scene when they "hit the stacks" and thats so hot.  Don' know you all secretly want to do that in the back corner of the library.  Waiting for him to ride up to me on a beautiful horse :p... yeah right.  

In other news, yesterday was pretty much horrible.  I was super emotional and on the phone with my mom crying.  Then I started feeling sick and slept for 2 hrs before I went to Balboa Park for class- By the way, you all need to take a day trip to Balboa and really take in all that it has to offer.  Then I went to sleep at 1030 but I woke up at around 11 having a horrible siezure.  there was no ambulance required, but it really sucked.  Luckly I got a good night sleep and today was a lot better, 

Sunday, February 10, 2008

P.O.A.- Plan o' Action

Convention's coming 'round up in the wonderful San Fran-cisco!  I think I wanna get my "clique" together, call up the second most amazing 28 year old and have a great day.  I'm talking about lisa.  Before she moved to SF she was like a sister to me and a daughter to my parents.  I miss her every family event.  with the way I feel right now (cranky)...I'd love to spend time with some super cool ppl.  

Smile Factor:
-next semester?

Sunday, January 27, 2008


So I know I already talked about the book I finished but I couldn't figure out how to best explain it.  In short it was the 16th century Las Vegas where there was no age limit for gambling, drinking, and multiple women at anytime was completely acceptable... sometimes young mistresses were traded like baseball cards would be today.  The theme song would definitely be "Party like a Rock star" by shop boyz.  anyway, :).

In other news (or thoughts)-

HONEYYYY!!!  A three hour difference is a cake walk.  suck it up, change your watch, and be cool.  Try 9 hours.  From San Diego to Paris.  Up and at the airport at 6 am on 12/25/2001 and landing at 12 pm paris time on 12/26/01!  Oh and you think I got any sleep... yeah right!  And then they say you have to stay awake and go to bed at the normal local time in order to fight the jet lag.  When I think about it, I don't really remember much about that day, except that we got our luggage and we were calmly asked by security to leave the terminal while we were getting our francs b/c there was a "questionable" bag sitting there....a couple minutes my dad found out they had detonated the bag and reopened the area....hmmmm.... another day at the Charles degual airport.

Kings, queens, and unmentionable things

So if you thought hollywood was crazy, read a book about the french royal court in the 15th/16th century.  While I should be reading for school I've been reading the book "Mademoiselle Bolyen" and it has been EXTREMELY interesting. I got the book on friday afternoon and I'm almost done.  If you know me at all you know I dont usually bust through books that fast. Now I understand its a historical fiction book but after all the french history that I have learn I can say the backbone of the book is pretty accurate.  You would not believe the things that went on in court!  It makes brittney spears like like like an rookie!  The king goes through mistresses like crazy and the amount of gambling that goes on in unbelievable.  If I had to give the book a movie rating I would overall give it a pg-13 rating with about 15 rated-R pages.  People who don't think history is interesting should really read about the royal courts in Europe.  It's not all wars and exporlarations

Saturday, January 19, 2008

10 movies you must see and the "prince charming complex"

So these arent in any order (except for #1), but you need to see ALL of them

  1. Forest Gump- Its an American classic and I think you are un-American if you've never seen it
  2. Monty Python: The Holy Grail- at first glance, maybe even first viewing you may be repulsed b/c its so rediculous... but thats the charm
  3. Mean Girls- It's the best representation of my generation's high school experience... 
  4. Wayne's World- Mike Meyers is a genius
  5. A League of Their Own- If you play(ed) softball this movie will touch your heart
  6. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves- It's a funny, romantic, action-filled movie that everyone will love
  7. Anchor Man- It's just funny.
  8. Evita- A great musical b/c it is an Andrew Lloyd Weber movie and Madonna rocks the Evita persona
  9. Christmas Vacation- It's a family favorite in the Hunter family and the holiday season is not complete w/o it
  10. Sound of Music- yes it's long, yes it's old, yes it's a musical but there are soooo many beloved songs that came from this movie.
Now onto my analysis of the "prince charming" complex that haunts every girl, no matter their age, race, culture, or social standing.  I think it starts the first time we hear a fairytale or see our first Disney movie.  Even when we grow up and recognize that "prince charming's" on white horses don't exist we still hold the idea close to our hearts.  It doesn't have to be a Disney or Jane Austin story, it can be a modern day story that makes your heart flutter.  There's the traditional crashing through windows to save the love of your life and there's the story of a character running up onto a stage at prom and kissing the love his life.  I especially think the idea of being rescued is a big thing.  I mean after watching Robin Hood last night I realized how hot is it that he crashes through the castle window and fights the sheriff in order to save Marion... in the words of Paris Hilton "THAT'S HOT!"  Even when we do meet our "prince" and acknowledge is human we melt when does prince charming type things that sweep us off our feet.  I guess as long as we remember that castles, princes, and white horses only live in our hearts and minds and not in reality we can only decide what our realistic prince charming is.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Such a period piece sap

So I'm watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves for the 1 1/2 times today.  I watched like half of it on HBO and now I'm watching it on DVD b/c it's been so long and I couldn't remember the first part.  Anyway, I'm such a sap... I love the romantic parts of period pieces.  I love robin and marry in this movie b/c shes so sassy and independent and robin's the long lost boy from her past that she falls for.  If I every made a period piece the female character would be sassy and independent too.  Even though the sheriff is evil I still think he's hilarious. "keep the stitches smaaaaallll!".  But really the high point is towards the end right as the sheriff is trying to marry marry and she sees robin and screams "ROBIN!".  it's so intense and romantic.  but instead of medieval 12th century and have the movie set in the 18th or 19th century.  During the enlightenment period.  I've written a movie in my mind in that setting for soooo long.  I know what the storyline would be and how many characters would be in it.  I even have names for the main actors in mind.  I'm such a dork. ooooooow flaming arrows flying through the air right now.  that's high tech.  anyway, back to the amazing, and then I listen to the Bryan Adams song "I do it for you"... you know you love it!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What the Sleet!

So I guess San Diego is supposed to get sleet on tuesday.  I've never seen or experienced it but from what I know it's icy-rain.  Now San Diegans can barely drive in rain and you want us to drive in sleet.  Oh goodness.  Break is coming to an end and quite honestly I'm looking forward to have something to do.  During break I've pretty much been getting up at 8ish, eating breakfast, watching dvds/youtube, then meeting my mom for lunch, going home and watching the OC on Soapnet :p.