Tuesday, February 12, 2008

another prince charming movie

Im such a softy.  I'm such a sucker for cheesy disneyesc prince charming movies.  I just watched "The Prince and Me" and I got all gitty inside.  you know, the handsome prince charming and the normal, yet cute regular girl.  Even though it's rated PG there's the SASSY scene when they "hit the stacks" and thats so hot.  Don' lie...you know you all secretly want to do that in the back corner of the library.  Waiting for him to ride up to me on a beautiful horse :p... yeah right.  

In other news, yesterday was pretty much horrible.  I was super emotional and on the phone with my mom crying.  Then I started feeling sick and slept for 2 hrs before I went to Balboa Park for class- By the way, you all need to take a day trip to Balboa and really take in all that it has to offer.  Then I went to sleep at 1030 but I woke up at around 11 having a horrible siezure.  there was no ambulance required, but it really sucked.  Luckly I got a good night sleep and today was a lot better, 

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