Sunday, February 24, 2008

A wonderful weekend in wonderful Berekley

What a weekend!  I think that the Delta chapter is officially the loudest and most obnoxious chapter in ADX.  Wednsday through sunday was crazy!  Weds night Sandlot and I went to pick up girls from Alabama, Dew and Sunkist, and we almost got arrested by the rent-a-cop airport security.  I absoluuuuutely loved the Alabama girls, they were so cute and I actually think that their accent rubbed off on me, but thats cool because I love it.  Californias are so boring.  I mean I know that we arent all rock/movie stars, but our culture is broadcasted to the entire world through entertainment.  The best thing about having them stay with us is when we (Jag and I) took the girls to the AGO basketball game and seeing the look on their faces when they saw what girls wear to go out, quote, "ya'll really go out in that?!"  That night we also all decided to get pierced when we went to convention, but thats a different story.
Thursday night I got a grand total of 2.5 hrs of sleep b/c I had not packed before the basketball game and then I got up at 3:00 AM!!!  I was able to get in the shower, finish packing, and eat breakfast before other people were up!  The boys were nice enough to get up early and give us rides to the airport in the rain.  I thought we might 

be a lil loud, but when people hit the seats and fastened their seatbelts they were 
out cold!!!  In order to keep our hord of girls together, around 40, we were coralled and herded to the Beta house by some Beta girls.  After we got settled we hit the streets!!

"Hitting the Streets" included, eating lunch on campus, admiring an abundance of red and blue gingham in the thrift shop, navigating 10 girls into a cramped store, and making a pit stop at Berkeley's #1 piercing shop, "Zebras"....

Before 40 Deltas invaded Berekeley, Zebras was Italy's piercing shop of choice and she told us that when we went up there she was going to get another piercing and krio was gonna do it too.  Well that turned into a big conversation on thursday night about what each person wanted to get if we went there.  Jag decided on a belly botton ring, Dew and I wanted our noses done, and Sunkist wanted to get her lip pierced (side note: Sandlot said she w
ould do something, but in the end "too many people got piercings" and she didnt want to do it anymore beca
use of that). We were all going to wait for italy, but after we walked by it on our way to lunch we knew we had to go back after we ate.  I think that by the time everyone, including those that didnt get anything pierced, pilled their way into the shop we doubled to number of ppl in the store.  Well when the time can to get 'er done we pilled 10 people into the back room which is probably meant for no more than like 3, ppl included; me, dew, sunkist, tootsie, krio, twsanna, luganda, jag, mou rou, and juju.
  none-the-less, five of the 10 came out with new wholes and the other 5 had plenty of pictures to document the extravaganza. (Check out jag and twsana's facebooks for pics :))

The time to return was upon us and aft
er we were all back to the beta house, we were herded to the church where we were going to be staying at.  I think it was at that moment that Delta made their presence known b/c that is when we all laid down, head-on-belly style, and took up most of the room.  Versace, krio, italy, dior, and I went out to eat at this place called "crape a-go-go" and I never knew that a lil crape could satisfy me so well.  The overall set-up of our accomidations blew b/c there were only 3 bathrooms for like 180 girls.  But Delta being Delta, we made due and piled 10-12 ppl in one bathroom and brushed/washed/peed at the same time.  None of us got much sleep last night, but I think that was partly our fault since we are soooo LOUD.  

The actual convention was the next day and b/c we were staying at a church the lay-out was not great for getting ready so I know that my hair looked like crap but overall we figured it out.  We had to walk, in the rain, to another church, where the actual convention was being held.  We had a really neat speaker talk to us and chapter updates were cool the loot for sale was cool, the lunch was yummy, but the best part of lunch was seeing kix and the rest of the crazies start "big booty, big, booty"...or in some cases teaching girls how to play it.  The day wound down, but the end of the actual convention, meant the start of Deltamania.  

I don't know what got into us, but after dinner there was dancing, tickle wars, thong snapping, pantsing attemps, wrestling, and constant screaming.  Now you have to realize that while you had all of us going crazy the other chapters stared us like we were crazy (but I think we were having more fun entertaining ourselves).  Actually we seranaded everyone with our famous AGO song from last year and song our bid song.  I was just cracking up because we were being so obnoxious, but it was so great.  They set up a game for us to all play, but it was really boring and I wanted to either go to bed or hang out more.

It came time to hit the sack b/c again we had to get-up at the butt crack of dawn and get ready to fly home.  Italy had gone home so I was without a sleeping bag, but I thought I would be ok with just my blanket.  wrong. I got so cold that I laid my jacket on top of me.  The next morning Twsanna told me that she had asked if I wanted to share sleeping bag configutations, but I guess I was tired and didn't hear. bust.  We chartered a bus to take us back to the airport and not only was the guy late but it was rainy and I think he drove in the middle of 2 lanes the whole time.  He then took us to the international terminal, parked and said...oh didn't you want Southwest?  I then got pulled into secondary and put in the "puffer" machine.  We made it back just fine and there were only 2 things people wanted to do when they got back.... 1) shower 2) sleep.

So the trip was a success and I haven't had that much fun in a long time.  I know this sounds cocky, but I'm so glad I'm in Delta.  Everywhere you went the other girls were like, "oh you're delta?"  We're famous! (we also had the Psi groupies)  I know this may sound even worse, but we are also the cutest chapter. I mean there were cute girls in other chapters, but we were the cutest overall chapter.  It's a different feeling to be a part of something as cool as our chapter.  I also really loved this weekend because I rekindled some friendships and made some new ones.  Some with girls I never really thought would happen.  I'm still breaking in some of of the JAs but thats cool.  Now it's back to the real world, and that means; studying for a mid-term and reading for a paper due tomorrow.  I am excited for tonight b/c our lil pledgies loose their "names" hehehehe....

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