Tuesday, February 19, 2008

cleanliness is next to Godliness. right?

Soooooo convention is in like 4 days and while I'm super excited to go up there I'm not looking forward to the fact that we are not allowed to take showers saturday morning!  We're going to go up there in the rain, trek around the city, get sweaty and cold and suffer from suuuuuper frizzy hair and you're telling me I have to go to a convention the next day w/o a shower?!  I understand there are a lot of us and I understand that some go a whole week w/o shower, but I also know that some people need to shower everyday.  I'm going to be pissed when I wake-up in the morning with frizzy, out of control hair and be told to deal with it.  The thing about not showering for me is that when I don't shower I get a super dirty feeling and its like I start itching from head to toe.

Heres how you handle it.  I've seen where the Beta house is and it looks pretty big, like they might have 4 showers.  Create a sign-up sheet for each bathroom and each girl gets 20mins.  that is definently enough time to quickly jump in the shower and do whatever you have to do.  If you run out of time and can't dry your hair Im sure that there are outlets around the house where you can plug your dryer in to finish.  Another thing to take into account is that some people can take showers at night if they feel dirty after traveling and walking around town.  Now for the girls who were so adimat about us not taking showers...you're out of luck :).  

So in order to get a shower friday morning I have to get up at 315 am because we are leaving at 430!  whooop di doooo!

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