Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9/11/2001... Where were you?

It was 6:15 AM and I was sitting at the counter eating frosted flakes while my dad stretched his back on the family room floor listening to KGB. The laughter came to a sudden stop as the DJ informed all the listeners that a plane had crashed into the side of the World Trade Center and it did not look like an accident. He said if you were near a TV to turn it on to any news channel for the latest updates. Seeing the first burning tower I ran upstairs to tell my mom to watch the news. Right as we turned the TV on we saw the second plane crash into the twin tower and it was almost as if you could feel a shriver run through the entire country. You could hear a pin drop in our house as we stood there in shock. A short time later we heard the reports of a third plane crashing into the pentagon and a fourth crash landing somewhere in Penn. I can truly say I've never been so scared in my life. Heading off to school we sat and listened to KOGO as more reports came in. Despite the fact that we were only in high school, everyone knew that the events of that day would change the world we know... and they have.

I think that this year's anniversary caries more importance b/c it is a election year and terrorism is still a hot topic. I have to say that while Bush has done some dofussy stuff while president, I think he did a pretty darn good job at supporting our country and taking action. In my opinion there was no time to sit a "talk things through" with these men... you hit the US and we will hit you back tenfold. While I'm questioning the war in Iraq, I am still certain that it was necessary to militarily respond to Afghanistan. In my mind it was not an attack on Islam, b/c I think we would have done the same thing if it was Russia, or North Korea, or any other country that attacked. I post this picture not to torment you, but to remind you what we saw and experienced together. Never forget that day, b/c it has and will define our generation and affect those still to come. So tomorrow as you go through your day try to say a prayer for all the men and women who have lost their lives either in the actual attacks or in battle defending our freedom.

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