Monday, December 15, 2008


First of all... I should be studying, but anyways... We are such wimps, OK well I am. There's a "winter storm" passing through today and the temp didn't get higher than like 58 and I thought I was going to die. Living in SD has given me the thinnest blood in the world and I was so cold I didn't want to get out of my clothes, to actually get in a warm shower. The actual storm was crazy. Around 12ish we look out and it's as if the Nile is running down Brockbank. The water was almost over flowing on to the sidewalk and was almost up to the bottom of all our Asian cars. I love this stuff, b/c it's nice to mix it up, but at the same time it makes me appreciate our almost year round sunny weather. B/c I am a huge weather dork I've been spending quality time on tracking the rain and I noticed that the middle of the country is really cold. For example, I saw that the high in Dallas was 37. I thought that was really cold so I looked up the average for Dec and saw it was around 57....THAT'S 20 DEGREES!!! I could not imagine if San Diego was 20 degrees below average. I've been in weather like that in Paris and NY, but I think I'd die of shock. I don't think ppl would know what to do. we rap up in jeans, sweatshirts, scarfs, and uggs when it is "cold" so I don't think people have clothes for that weather...or if they do it's snowboarding clothes. It would be pretty funny to see people walking to class in snowboarding pants and and jackets. My mom would have 10 layers on and the heater up to 80. Makes me cold thinking about it. Luckily... b/c we live by the coast it would take a ubber-cold winter storm to ever get that cold because temps to fluctuate as drastically on the coast (just say it... I'm a huge nerd). OK well I'm not getting anything done so I'm hitting the sack so I can get up and study for my geo final. Wish me luck, and stay warm

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