Monday, December 29, 2008

Whatever happened to movie theme songs?

The other day I was listening to 933 and they were discussing the "10 worst songs ever written" and #8 was "My Heart Will Go On". They then proceeded to talk about the time in movie history when big movies had major, and in many cases cheesy, theme songs and it made me realize that those songs are really lacking in today's movies. Here's a lil list of songs they talked about

Seal's "Kiss from a rose on a grave"- I personally love this song and don't think it's cheesy at all. In fact, no matter what Batman movie I watch I think of this song

Whitney Houston's "I will always love"- yeah it's cheesy and the movie is mediocre, but the woman's got a great set of pipes. Personally, whenever I hear it I like to pretend I can sing and dramatically lip-sync to it without embarrassing myself or others.

Bryan Adam's "Everything I do, I do it for you"- total cheese, but it's got HEART!! And listen to the words, wouldn't you want your one true love to feel that way?

Lastly...the grand daddy of them all-
"My heart will go on"- we all saw the movie, we all fell in love with leo and hated kate b/c she got to kiss him. We all sang the damn song in our school choir... usually with little success, but no matter how much you hate it, you can't help but love it. Even after watching it you let the credits play so you can do an interrupted dance/dramatic lip sync and if you're really in the mood you act out "I'm the king of the world!", "I'm flying Jack!!" and "I'll never let go."

So I want to challenge musicians to bring back the dramatic theme songs. They are dearly missed no matter what people say and you know ten years after it hit the air waves you will hear it playing while you are waiting to see the dentist, smile, and quietly humm the lyrics under your breath.

I added the videos to all the songs so you can relive all the wonderful memories...

Seal- "Kiss from a rose on a grave"

Whitney Houston' "I will always love you"

Bryan Adams- "Everything I do, I do for you"

Celine Dion- "My heart will go on"

(While looking up that video I couldn't help but watch it and do a dramatic lip-sync in my room :))

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