Friday, January 18, 2008

Such a period piece sap

So I'm watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves for the 1 1/2 times today.  I watched like half of it on HBO and now I'm watching it on DVD b/c it's been so long and I couldn't remember the first part.  Anyway, I'm such a sap... I love the romantic parts of period pieces.  I love robin and marry in this movie b/c shes so sassy and independent and robin's the long lost boy from her past that she falls for.  If I every made a period piece the female character would be sassy and independent too.  Even though the sheriff is evil I still think he's hilarious. "keep the stitches smaaaaallll!".  But really the high point is towards the end right as the sheriff is trying to marry marry and she sees robin and screams "ROBIN!".  it's so intense and romantic.  but instead of medieval 12th century and have the movie set in the 18th or 19th century.  During the enlightenment period.  I've written a movie in my mind in that setting for soooo long.  I know what the storyline would be and how many characters would be in it.  I even have names for the main actors in mind.  I'm such a dork. ooooooow flaming arrows flying through the air right now.  that's high tech.  anyway, back to the amazing, and then I listen to the Bryan Adams song "I do it for you"... you know you love it!

1 comment:

perkyNbLue said...

I love, love, love this blog. And you!
It's awesome that you have a whole movie planned out in your mind. I don't think I quite have the attention span for that! LoL. I can't wait to see you again. I've missed you, Long-lost Roomie!!

♥ Peebs