Sunday, January 27, 2008

Kings, queens, and unmentionable things

So if you thought hollywood was crazy, read a book about the french royal court in the 15th/16th century.  While I should be reading for school I've been reading the book "Mademoiselle Bolyen" and it has been EXTREMELY interesting. I got the book on friday afternoon and I'm almost done.  If you know me at all you know I dont usually bust through books that fast. Now I understand its a historical fiction book but after all the french history that I have learn I can say the backbone of the book is pretty accurate.  You would not believe the things that went on in court!  It makes brittney spears like like like an rookie!  The king goes through mistresses like crazy and the amount of gambling that goes on in unbelievable.  If I had to give the book a movie rating I would overall give it a pg-13 rating with about 15 rated-R pages.  People who don't think history is interesting should really read about the royal courts in Europe.  It's not all wars and exporlarations

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