Friday, June 20, 2008

Agent 86+Agent 99= Get Smart= Amazing

So I just went to see Get Smart with my parents and it's freaking hilarious. It's based off a 60's show, but it doesn't matter if you've seen the show to get the movie. Although... if you have parents who watched it, make it a family outing cause they'll love it too (my dad did). In all seriousness, it is one of the better movies I've seen in a long time. It's 2 hours, but you laugh pretty much the whole time, sometimes even hysterically. Steve Carell plays Maxwell Smart, a secret agency analysis before he is promoted to a field agent (86). He is paired with agent 99, a hot kick ass agent, played by Anne Hathaway. He's a buffoon, but she's a super spy so they get things done. Steve is really funny the whole way through and Anne is the perfect costar.... Who knew our lil princess Mia would grow up to be a super-spy. I'm totally inspired to go take some tae-boo classes, learn to walk/run/fight in stilettos and buy so super hot clothes, then go work for a secret spy department. So if you wanna see a funny movie with some great actions scenes and a sweet, but not over done romance story go see Get Smart. Oh and there will definitely be a sequel b/c in the t.v. serious 86 and 99 go on to get married and continue to fight crime. yay!!!

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