Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lesson to learn

Some may disagree, but I think that the fact that I have been here since spring '05 makes me wise when it comes to living with your pledge sisters and at the same time reaching out to others. Pledge semester and JA semester it is pounded into our heads to be unified as a class, and thats important b/c everyone needs to lean on each other while adjusting to the craziness of adchi, but we can't forget that we are not just groups of pledge classes, we are a united sorority with shared beliefs and goals. I always challenge people to get out of their comfort zone and get to know older and younger girls b/c they may end-up being life long friends. It is a growing process and if you are shy then it is going to be hard at times, but 8 semesters in (7 active) I can tell you that, while my pledge sis and I have a bond that can never be broken, there are many girls that aren't in my class, some 3 years younger than me, that I have been blessed me with their presence in my life. So here's the bottom line... It is important for us to maintain good relationships with our pledge sisters, but maybe just as important create bonds with people you never thought would happen, because in the end that is what will make this place so special.