Friday, August 1, 2008

Fudgees--->Tom Petty--->Tupac

Friday mornings at 9 are my favorites. It's "flush the format fridays" on 933 and that means one hour of musical madness mixed together. For example, the fudgees lead to tom petty which lead to tupac....THATS AMAZING! Last week they even threw in "these boots are made for walking"... the original nancy senatra version, not that jessica simpson crap. and then I think that lead to the violent femmes. I just keep dancing! So if you're musical schitzo and you love to dance you should tune in.

The GRE sucks. I truly hate studying for this crap! I feel like the questions point and laugh at me from the page. the math you need to know is like 8-10th grade math and I feel like an idiot when I read the problem and forget how compute the slope of a line.... I KICKED @$$ AT like 8th grade:x

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