Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wanted: Extra fabric at the American Music Awards

Did anyone see the AMAs and the LACK of fabric on some of those glittery dresses!!! I sat there wondering, how do you sit down? do you have a blanket to cover your legs? How do you keep it from riding up when you walk across the stage? I'm serious! Double-sided tape on the back of the legs? I guess the slow economy has hit hollywood hard and the best way to save money is to wear dresses that cover your butt by 2 inches... oye this people!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who's old enough to remember?

Who's old enough to remember Toni Braxton's "Un-break my heart"? OMG, I just heard that song today and I seriously got weepy. If you hear it for the first time on the radio it sounds like a standard heartbroken, break-up song, but when you see the video and realize it's about TYSON BEDFORD dying it's totally depressing. The video alone... If I was dating that man and he died I'd probably be just as depressed as Toni. I can't believe it came out in 1995. I feel so old b/c my kids weren't even born yet! :o!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bond. James Bond.

If I could be anything super random, out of this world for even one day it would totally be a Bond Girl. But not just a Bond Girl... a badass Bond Girl who has people wondering where she keeps her little gun. And James has to be David Craig. That man is such a fine James Bond. I have to be like 5'10 with super long legs and a sweet Russian accent and a first name like Ivanka (let me know if you can think of something better). Seriously though, I'm sort of a tomboy so I would be down for car chases and gun fights, but I love glamming up so of course I wouldn't mind being on James' arm while he sips his martinis... shaken. not stirred. Unfortunately my dream will never come true b/c they aren't going to make anymore Bond movies. What a sad day. Now I guess I just have to settle for teaching history to hormonal adolescents.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A theoretical Moral Dilema

Have you ever met someone new that looks EXACTLY like a close friend or family member that it's kind of weird? I mean to the point where if you took cut outs of each person and compared them they'd look like twins? Well there's a teacher at O'Ferral that looks EXACTLY like Andrea's friend Vanessa and it got me wondering if it would be wrong to unknowingly assigned to a family friend as your guide teacher? I mean there is no way they could be objective. If I was ever put in that position (aka- if Vanessa was actually a social science teacher) there's a part of me that would be like, "SWEET this should be a cake walk." b/c she's like another sister to me. But then they other part of me, and probably my mom too, would be like, "nooo, that's not fair. You should ask for a different guide teacher". THANK GOD I'M NOT IN THAT POSITION!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A teacher's best friend

I was just reminded of The Devil Wears Prada today when I realized that it would be amazing to have a talking Miranda Priestly doll to take to class.

Kids are slowing coming into class and you push #1- "By all means, move at a glacial pace. you know how that thrills me."

I ask the kids to get out their work and they either don't have it or it's not finished, push #2- "Why is no one READY?"

After going over an assignment to do in class a student comes up to ask a question, push #3- "...please bore someone else with your... questions. "

Right as the bell rings, push #4- "That's all."

and the doll would be slightly larger than a Barbie so she can stand on my desk, but not get in the way.

I think it's awesome and after I get a job (and tenured, b/c it might get complaints) I'm going to make a talking Miranda Priestly doll and use her daily in class

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fan clubs!

I just don't know if I could ever bring myself to be a hardcore "fan club" member of something and spend money traveling places to meet actors/actresses. I bring this up because every year the people of General Hospital set up shop at some hotel in LA and people buy tickets to go to different actors events, meet and greets. It's just crazy to me that people spend hundreds to fly to LA to meet these people. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be cool to meet some of them, but I ain't spending $85 a pop to sit in a room while ppl ask questions about their character...and I wouldn't even have to go that far. Haha. Plus I've seen pictures of some of these peeps and it's like 100 middle-aged overweight midwesterners in stretchy jeans (ok that's kind of mean). I'd feel super awkward and I don't need to spend any money to feel more awkward than I usually feel. Not to mention the hotel...(here comes my snobbery) is not very appealling. I'm sure it's great for Peggy Smith from kansas city, but this homegirl needs a lil more class. I just don't know. I'm the type of person that would be happy enough to run into or take a picture of someone passing by and not have to suffer through other crap. I want to save my money for other things like... The anniversary sale at nordstrum that goes on at the same time... Now that's something I'd join a fan club for!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I know this is going to come out REALLY mean, but I swear people from California are just better looking than those in other places. I see pictures of people from other areas of the country and I sometimes ask, "is there something in the water?" Yeah, not everyone is a super model, but for the most part ppl seem to take some pride in their appearance no matter what body shape or style. Is it environment? Do we have more exposure to different styles and opportunities to create our own imagine? I see this even when it comes to the way people age. I saw a picture of a woman that I swear was like 60, but in reality she was a year younger than my mom. I know my mom is a victim of the "5 years younger" syndrome, but to look 10 years older than you really are is crazy. I know that I can be lazy and have at times gone out looking a lil scrubby, but I hope to God that people ppl don't go "eww, that girl looks gross."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

All I need is some tights and a headband...

My mom and I hit up the Nordstrum Anniversary pre-sale yesterday and were looking for dresses on sale. She grabbed this dress to try on for herself, but it was too tight so she wanted me to try it on and when I finally found the right size I slipped it on and felt a lil like Blair Waldorf. I actually think it looks better on me than that model because it hugs my curves...AND MAKES MY WAIST LOOK *THIS* BIG! Standing there I felt like I needed to send my minions to find me a headband. haha. I love that it's not a strapless like I usually get b/c I can wear a regular bra and it will look good with flats and God knows that's important when on your feet night :). So now that I have one dress, I just need one more and I'm good to go!!

You know you love me. XOXO,
Gossip Girl

Monday, July 12, 2010

I can't bring myself...

to wear the same dress twice. It's completely horrible, but despite how cute the dress I can't do it!! Seriously, the only ppl who will know is my mom and sister, but it's so wrong. Trends change right? That's an acceptable justification...yes? What's wrong with me? Where's some humble pie when you need it?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's for a good cause...

I finally found out when this years fundraiser is and, although it's 3.5 months out I'm wondering what I should wear, b/c you know the rule- can't wear a dress more than once. *Blame my mom for that one. Last year it was on the roof of the Ivy, but since it was a lil cold they've moved it to the Ivy Club downstairs. I never thought I'd go to an event at a popular club with my family. Though...the more I think about it, the more I anticipate it to be really funny, especially if the cosmos flow. Here's so pics I never knew existed from last year.

Early in the evening

A few hours later...Mom, Yolanda, and Denise sitting on the couch with drink in hand discussing bras and boobs with city council members sitting across from us (I said nothing and laughed the whole time)

*This is why I love these things.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Seriously? I need something to do...

Luckily I'm working at a Basketball camp at church next week mon-thurs, then off to Hawaii, but I know I'm going out of my mind when my dreams get weirder. Real people aren't even in my dreams!

I think it was on Monday that I dreamt about a "fashion magazine photo shoot" that they were doing in General Hospital (which really was filmed, but like 2 years ago), and then all the sudden Georgina from Gossip Girl and a bunch of high schoolers ran into the lobby (the shoot was in a hotel) and started stealing the clothes. The editor of the magazine and her assistants were scattered around trying to fend off the crazies, but Georgina and her army were like beating them up. Georgina was also pregnant and in a wedding dress. The weird thing is that while I heard through Entertainment Weekly that Georgina was pregnant at the end of the season I only watch half of season 3...So yeah, I need a life b/c when I'm board my dreams get weirder and weirder. Thank God we are leaving in less than a week for Hawaii b/c I need a change in scenery to veg out in

General Hospital "photo shoot"

*It's cheesy to the weesy...but my mom ruined me :x

Monday, June 14, 2010

I am soooo funny!!!

OK I know that's really cocky, but I really do think of myself as a laugh riot:

I was discussing Southern California's two environmental Achilles heals and I came up with..."We like to shake and bake here" BAHAHA. Funny right? Shake= earthquakes. Bake=wildfires.

After feeling tonight's shake which was 22 miles from El Cajon, I truly believe the "big one is coming". So pack those earthquake prep kits and hold on kids. This may get wild soon.

This is what I feel like will happen to my house during the big one:

Friday, May 28, 2010

nothing much

So nothing is really going on I'm just trying to blog from my phone. I'm really excited for tonight b/c I wanna kick it @ the blackjack table

Friday, May 21, 2010

An equestrian center? Really?

So I was waiting to get my bake on at the tanning Solon so to make time go by I started reading "San Diego Dream Homes". I think I said, "omg. wtf, and/or YOU'RE KIDDING ME!"every time I turned the page. Almost everything about those those houses are unnecessary. I will describe how unnecessary they are by comparing it to my hobble abode. Casa de Hunter is 5/br, 4.5bath, and 4,200 sq ft, and I'm not gonna lie, some of our house is unnecessary. Anyway, the avg. prices of THESE houses range from $1.5 to $12 million and 5,000 sq ft to about 12,000 sq ft. They too have anywhere from 4 to 6 brs, but the difference is that they are all suites and one of those "rooms" is usually a guest house (very OC Ryan Atwood). Then there's the kitchens bigger than some houses in encanto, front gates, traffic circles, walls/windows that completely open up so that you can see the pool/view as if you were outside, "theater rooms" and wine cellars, pools big enough for city rec to come and give swim lessons, and the equestrian centers...WHO THE HELL NEEDS ONE OF THOSE! It reminds me of Wayne's World when his ex gets him a gun rack. Seriously, "Mommy, Daddy... I want a pony"... "Sussie you have a brand new bike. go ride that around." I hate the whole horse crap. I'd rip that out and put in a basketball court or batting/pitching cage. I don't care how rich I am, my kids are gonna play real sports. Now in addition to the house itself it is on 2 acres of land! you could literally build five houses on that much land. Now don't get my wrong, if I won the mega million and I was able to have a nice house in Rancho Santa Fe, but seriously... It's mind boggling. Instead of pinching me you'd have to whack me with a baseball bat. Also, if I was that rich... I'd have one of the "help" go get me some real mex food every week. I'd miss that stuff!!! haha

Wayne's World

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Being done with classes sure is nice. 2 bad i still have to get up @ 530. Now i have no reason to skip out on daily workouts.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I gotta major bone to pick

Sometimes I want to know why people stick their nose up at public schools? My mom's friend has three went to harvard/law, one went to usd, and the other one is at usc, and now the one that went to usd didn't even want to apply to State for her credential. Seriously. She's a fool. I've said it before, and if you went to State at all you've probably heard it but State is the 3rd best public school credential program! 3rd in the whole freaking nation!!! and I'm pretty confident to say State is probably 1/5 of the price. The funny thing is though, that all three daughters went to Torrey Pines (A PUBLIC SCHOOL) and I'd bet Rancho Santa Fe bucks that the majority of her teachers went to State. It just rubs me the wrong way when people look down on public school. Shoot Andrea went to UCLA for law and that's public. It's not Harvard, but it got her a sweet job. And on top of that my mom's friend is head deep in loans for his kids and their damn private schools and he's kind of scrambling. On the and dad kick their feet up knowing that I was able to get into the 3RD BEST CREDENTIAL program without any loans...thank you very much. Anyway. That's my elephant sized bone and I picked it so I guess I better go get ready. VIVA LA PUBLIC SCHOOL AYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5/28/10. $5 tables... Watch out Sycuan >:)

I know I'll lose $50 like *snap* that, but I love playing those low bet blackjack tables and slowly building my stash while all the hotshots bet $50+ and lose faster than I do. I hope Sandlot will play with me. It's much more fun losing money with friends and table games are like WAY more fun slots *rme*. If I do come out on top maybe I'll get myself a new Ipod.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Inflation is crazy

As you alllllll know I'm a dork and have weird things pop into my head. Well today I was wondering how much it cost to go first class in the early 1900s on a ship like Titanic. Well the answer is that the same ticket then would cost you $32Gs, but $400 in 2010. $400!! Damn, round trip couch airfare is more than that. It was $300 for our lil stateroom on Carnival. That would be cool...if the freaking ships stayed afloat.

btw- I think I pulled my hammy while interpretive dancing to "My Heart Will Go On" at the end of the movie. hahaha

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Since this is going to be Madie's first trip to Hawaii (2 months and 3 days from now!!!) I'm planning on bringing my newly purchased Flip Camera on the trip b/c it's the size of a cell phone and the 2 hrs memory space is about as much as we'll need for each day... that's right, each day. I'll just shoot a bunch of lil clips, like us going to the airport, sitting on the plane, getting to the hotel, and maybe a tour of the "grounds" :D. Then all you have to do is plug the lil sucker into the usb port place them in your desired order and it makes a movie for you. We'll be there for 2 weeks so in addition to pictures and my dad's nice video camera we will have like a video diary. Anyway, I was procrastinating up in my room (what a shock!) and I decided to take some clips to see what it looks like with the sample of music they give you. So here you go....

"April Showers"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I've had moments, but...

This is bad. I've never felt so insecure and unsure about what I'm doing. I literally feel out of control of every aspect of my life. I can't control my kids, all I can do is take my meds to control my seizures, and little things like broken shoulder straps are seriously making my ball. I'm not PMSing, at least I shouldn't be for like a week. I have to pull it together. But I feel like I've been thrown into the lions' pit and even after 2 months I'm get mauled. And I know, I know... It's my first semester, but how the hell are you supposed to teach these kids when they don't listen and continuously ask for the guide teacher. It was so embarrassing when my supervisor got up, walked over to one of the boys and told them to be quiet. They were even rude to the principal when he came to talk to them about the CSTs so you tell me how I'm supposed to manage them when they don't even respect the f'ing principal? I was talking to him after class and I started to cry. I called my mom and started crying. My bag broke as I was walking on campus and I started crying. and finally I'm sitting here crying as I write. What if this isn't what I'm supposed to do? I know that next semester should be better, but I'm doubting my choice based on the current situation. I know certain people may be shocked b/c I like nice things, but I'd much rather help people on a first hand basis than work for the man so I've been thinking about other opps. My dad said I could probably get a job at south bay, but I don't want to quit! this isn't the real Alie!!! I guess this is just God shoving me into a situation where I am forced to be strong and lean on Him. Man this is hard.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why did I even go there in my mind?

So I've been lucky enough this semester to end up having 2 ED (Emotionally Disturbed) students. In esence this means that they are kids with major behavioral problems. The one I've had all semester hasn't caused any problems in the class and I don't think he would ever do anything drastic to put the class in danger, but this new kid makes me nervous. He's been in my class for about a week and has come to class maybe 3 times. He sits in the back of the class with his head down and a big black hoody pulled over his head (I think you know were I'm going). He's eriely quiet and for some reason the horrible thought of him doing something crazy popped in my head. Obviously there's a slimmer than slim chance of him doing the unthinkable, but for some reason I couldn't get it out of my head. What would I do!? The class is not even in the main campus. It would take at least a few minutes to get security. The thought of him actually hitting someone and maybe then doing it to himself. I know I say my kids are brats, but the thought of them getting hurt would kill me inside. I would not know what to do. I'd be frozen. That Pearl Jam song "Jeremy" plays on repeat whenever I hear about a school shooting. All I can say to new secondary school teachers is, don't go there. don't think about it. and pray we will NEVER have to go through it...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Every now and then I take a look to see what important events happened throughout history hoping to find something interesting and I totally hit the jack pot... We'll it would be the jack pot if I actually had technology in the classroom and youtube wasn't blocked :/. April 14th is the 98th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic and how funny would it be if I showed them the trailer? tehehehe. They'd be like, "Teacher, (half can't remember my name), WTH is this? The effects suck and arent those actors like REALLY old? Avatar is better." *at which time I slap them... haha. Kids these days. I actually feel really old when I think about it. These brats wouldn't remember the movie because they were 3!!! OMG, I'M SO OLD. HAHA. anyway, just wasting time. I guess I should try to be productive.

Hmmm... If I can't show the trailer, maybe I should do my interpretive dance to "My Heart Will Go On." I'm sure they wouldn't think I'm weird at all! OMG I'm losing my mind. Please help me!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reprimanding a class is not fun...

I've been frustrated with these kids before, but I reached my limit and tore into them...not fun :/. I told them they needed to finish their worksheet for homework yesterday so we could discuss what mock trial we wanted to do, but of course I casually ask them if they finished the worksheet as they file in and these are the answers "I left it home." "I left it in my locker" "I lost it" "I thought we were going to finish today." That just set me off. These kids want respect and want to be treated like adults, but they act like children. That's exactly what I told them. Unfortunately I had to practically yell at them to get their attention. I told them it was irresponsible and disrespectful to come to class without your work when I told them it needed to be finished. I really want to teach them important info and try to make it interesting, but you can't do that if you don't do your work!!! I never acted this way towards my teachers. It never even crossed my mind. They get all pissy about the way they are treated, but they don't understand that in order to gain respect you have to give it. I tried to explain that it is important to grasp these key historical themes b/c they are going to be old enough to vote in the next presidential election and all I get is, "Why would I vote? I don't care." ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME! Additionally, they've got CSTs coming up and I straight told them, "If you can't focus and we can't get through the information I'll just list what you need to study and you can get ready without my help b/c you spent all class messing around." So we got down to the part where we assigned roles for the trial and I made them sign a contract saying that they will come prepared and act appropriately if they want to get their extra credit. I just can't take their bull anymore. I never thought I'd say this but, maybe I'll like middle school better :'(

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I knew the day would come!


OK so it wasn't as bad as that^^^^, but I was laying on the couch and watched 6 sets of french doors shake, the lights sway, and water was lapping over the spa when I ran outside. The geologist said we could expect aftershocks for 72 hours. Oye... I hope we don't have one while I'm teaching because already have a hard time keeping them focused. So keep your seatbelts on friends!

Monday, March 22, 2010

"What the....!"

So we are sitting in the MARcedes (my grandma always said "mar" instead of "mer") dealership going over the details for my mom's new ML350 when I look over and ask the sales guy, "how do you test drive one of those" *points to SL65 AMG*. "You buy one." he responded. My jaw hit the ground. If I was going to drop $300Gs on a car I damn well be able to test drive it. He saw the look on our faces and just chuckled. My mom's ML is about 1/8 that price, but it is freaking awesome! I'll never get to drive it :(, but it's fun to ride in. I'm afraid we've created a monster and all she'll want to drive are MARcedes in the future. haha

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I haven't been shhed since womens health 350

Not only did it make me crack up, but it brought back all the greatness of Excalibur's fierce death stare. Within each block there are multiple ppl who have the same emphasis and all those ppl stick together and go to their respected "methods class". For me that means that I am in the same social science methods class as 5 other of my "block bodies" so we see each other all week long. It's actually nice because we get along and we are kind of like a clique. Anyway, right now pairs are presenting different activities you can do with your class and this paticular instance it was a "6th grade class". We were finishing up and grading ourselves and group when I jokingly said "I should of given myself an A". Well I guess the class was starting to move on b/c all the sudden I here one of the girls, Lisa, say, "Alie..." with a very stern look on her face but trying not to laugh. Now to put it in prospective you need to take Ex+4yrs-9inchs-a shade of blond. It wasn't as intense of a glare, but I just couldn't help but think of all the times Ex had my back and shhhed ppl like Jig on my behalf. Along with Lisa there's a guy name Corey who always sits with us in our Bilingual class (God help me, I hate that class) and each week we've promised to bring food to share b/c there's no time for dinner...Well she ain't getting my snack! Ppl who shhh me don't get this sugar-mamma's food. Anyway, stupid story. I'm glad I have awesome block buddies, but that death stare made me think of Excalibur and how much I miss her dry sarcasm... oh the good ole days. :)

And let me just add a little rant about that stupid Bilingual Ed class... the "professor" Margie take's role by passing out name cards. Now I literally sit at the same table with Corey, Lisa, and *random*, but every week she goes around the class twice before finally figuring out where Lisa and I are sitting. To the point where she is holding both cards, side by side...we are such jerks we just sit there and laugh. hehehe. To add to that, Margie is our "professor", but the entire class is almost three hours of other ppl presenting material from the book... you guessed it, I spend most of my time on facebook :p.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So frustrating....

Enriching tomorrow's leaders! B-S! I'm not giving up but it's a blow to your ego when a student pretty much calls you a bitch without using that exact wording. Andrea Hernencia- She's a senior, has a kid, and a kidney problem, and giving me hell. I go up to her, smile and say, "Hey, how's it going? Do you have any questions?" and her response is, "No. I hate this class. I hate you. I'm not going to do my work and I'm not going to learn anything." *shock!* If it was still legal to smack students I would. I spent 4 days preparing an extensive study guide to get these brats ready for a district test that I didn't know about until 2 weeks ago and I get that lip. Then while still standing there she looks over at my guide teacher and says, "Coach Van, did you write up this study guide?" "No, Ms. Hunter did." he responded, to which she lets out a heavy sigh and rolls her eyes. This all happened on Monday so today I looked around and noticed she was absent...not going to lie, I was kind of relieved b/c I wouldn't have to deal with her crap. After class I was going to leave and I saw her walking through the hall so she pretty much just ditched the class. I just want to pull her to the side and say, "I get it. You don't like me. You don't like history. And you don't like the class. But you need to pass in order to graduate, so you might as well just suck it up, come to class, do the work, take the tests and get a passing grade." I know there's classes that people hate. I hated math and science and some ppl hate history, but you got to get over it. ugh... So as a whole, most of the class did the guides half-ass and they are going to get the test and freak out, to which I'll say, "I gave you the tools. It was your responsibility to do the work and study." They are introducing us to all these WONDERFUL teaching methods, but you have to have the perfect honors or AP class to pull them off. Someday I want to get there, but right now I'm just trying to get them to shut up. Keep me in your prayers...I need all the help I can get.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Emotional Rollercoaster

I'm not even sure how to describe today. I knew it was going to be hard b/c it was my grandma's memorial, but there was a handle full of unknowns that had me nervous. I was first so incredibly happy to see my pledge sis' beautiful face after such a long time. Everything was fine as we made our way into the church but the moment they started to sing Amazing Grace I lost it. There's something about that song that makes me cry no matter what. After pastor Russ said a few things we stood up at the front as my Uncle Del read something he wrote, my sister read something, then my dad read a letter that my mom wrote, but she knew she wouldn't be able to read it out loud. Something about hearing your family talk makes it so real. My sister was doing good reading her thing until she started to talk about Grandma never meeting Madeline. That just hits you like a rock. As I was standing up there with all of them I was surveying the large crowd (partly seeing if the jackass showed-up which he didn't...phew!) when I saw a face I hadn't seen in more than a year. Rachel...It's kind of a condratiction considering the moment, but I was suddenly so excited (and shocked) to see her. K-12 we were like twins. We were part of each others' families, but as we went to college life took us different ways. I knew that she had graduated from school and was living in DC working for a congressman, but other than that we hadn't kept in touch. I guess she realized after being out there that it was hard to be away from home and she just moved back a few days after my grandma's obituary ran and her mom told her. It's just weird b/c I've been thinking about her and now she's back. It's like a shift in life happening. My friends from college are dispersing and now my friends from when I was younger are moving back. It's very interesting b/c they are such different times in our lives. It's kind of happening to my sister too. Her friends from school are in San Fran or LA and now in the past year she's reconnected with her childhood friend after college separation. Life is changing so fast. As we sat there and mourned the loss of my grandma lil Madeline was doing cartwheels in Andrea's belly. It was so amazing to see all the people that came. My grandma went through some really hard times, and I think she had esteem problems, but it was so evident how many people loved her. A family friend took some photos and made a slide show to play at the church and at lunch and it just reminded us how beautiful she was. I know some days will be harder than others, but I have promised myself that I will allow myself to mourn her death, but celebrate her life. She is in Heaven with our Savior and I'm positive she looked down and smiled today.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A sad day

I recently heard that Avatar was surpassing Titanic as the highest grossing film and it made me an itsy bitsy sad. No I haven't seen Avatar, and there's a part of me that wants to go see it, but my life won't end if I miss out. It's just that Titanic was the movie of my generation. I had friends that literally went and saw it like 5 times in the theater (I saw it once). I guess when I think about it, every generation/decade has that one "movie". Avatar closed out the first decade of the 2000s. Titanic was the movie of the 90s. ET the 80s. Star Wars the 70s...and so on. If you've every spent the three hours watching Titanic with me you know I make fun of it, but it still tugs at my heart darnit! I remember when we got it on vhs and I always just wanted to watch the first tape b/c the second one was when it started to sink. To this day I watch that STUPID movie and hope Jack doesn't die...JAMES CAMERON YOU SUCK! HAHA. Then we can't skip over the credits because it is necessary to dramatically sing and dance to "My Heart Will Go On". In fact, did you have to sing that damn song in 6th grade choir?...oye. Anyway, lets all observe a moment of silence for the once thought to be "Unsinkable" movie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not gonna lie... a tad bitter.

Everyday I see alll these messages of actors/singers who get up, work-out, "organize", then get-up again sore as hell the next day. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a tad bitter. I'm working my ass off all week for a career which will pay starting $40K/year up to $60K/year 20 years down the road... Impacting tomorrow's leaders!!! It's not that I don't want to do it, but let's switch gigs yo for one week, especially at the beginning when you are running around like a chicken w/ its head cut off. So go upward and onward great entertainers, maintaining you perfect figure, while we teach you snotty kids for 7 hours before you pick them up in your 5 series.

*I'm just being a sarcastic smartass, but you know what they say... there's always a lil truth in every joke.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

*LIGHTING* 1, 2, 3... *THUNDER!!*

That's right, it's been a "STORM WATCH" week in San Diego the past 4 days and there's this silly part of me that loves it. In fact, I'll admit right now that I get weather updates texted to me. The rain itself is a nice short change in our "Early morning clouds with sunny skies by the afternoon" daily weather, but what I really love is a good thunderstorm. I kept missing them all week, or thinking I saw lighting then not hearing the thunder or not seeing another strike, but this evening was different...

I'm not sure if you've ever been to my house, but the family room is like a fish bowl and perfect for watching storms come in from the west, pass over us and head east over the mountains. Right around 9:00 my dad and I started to see lightening out towards the west, but after counting the seconds between strike and clap we figured they were about 10 miles away. Somehow that quickly changed and it was literally like, "boom, boom, pow!" over my house (poor Maggie was freaking out) and before I could even say "HOTT DAMN!" the hail started pelting the patios. It was so amazing. My dad opening the door to get a better look at the hail and you could feel how quickly the temp had which my mother said, "Close the door!". I know this is all hugely dorky, but a Southern California girl needs a lil weather spice in her life every now and again.

While that lil episode was fun, I think the craziest one I can remember was about four years ago (probably around the same time) during a STORM WATCH! day when we were in Subway and saw a huge lighting bolt, then almost at the same time a clap of thunder so loud that shook the whole building. Everyone just kind of stopped and looked at each other. Then after we ate the temp had dropped so much that we actually had to go home and put on our "winter clothes" (at least what we consider to be "winter clothes"). But the coolest thunderstorm I ever saw was a couple years ago early in the morning around like 6:00ish as the sun was rising. I flipping over on my stomach and watched the light show go on right as the sun was rising over the mountains and I swear it was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen... and I didn't even have to get out of bed :). Anyway, I'm glad that our good 'ole SD winter is returning this weekend, but it was fun watching some pretty crazy rain and wind so strong it threw our chase lounge chairs into the pool.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fine 90% of the time...

I've found that by keeping busy, being with family,and trying to remember all our great times I'm getting by pretty well. I know that there are going to be some harder days as things start to slow down, but in my heart I know she's in a much better place. The one thing that I'm somewhat enjoying is finding all the old pictures and laughing and having my great uncle Howard tell us the stories behind the faded pics (he's an awesome storyteller... You should stop by sometime). Anyway, we found this picture of my grandma and my grandpa Earl (my mom's dad) when they were in vegas during the early 70s and I started to get sad that I never got to meet him. He died when he was 39 and my mom was 14. She always tells me how proud he would be of me and Andrea and how he would have gone to every game we played in and would have played golf with me, and such. It's just that I had my grandpa Gil and grandpa Doc until I was 14 and I had my grandma Shirley until just last friday, and I still have my grandma Lois, but I never got to meet grandpa Earl. I don't usually bring it up, and I most def won't now, because it usually makes my mom cry, but from time to time I think about what he would be like. Dying just sucks, especially when you don't really expect it. Both of my grandpas died of cancer, so while I was upset, I knew it was coming. But my Grandma Shirley... She literally died dancing. She was at dance club on a cruise, she got up and then collapsed from a major stroke. She was just on a cruise... She wasn't supposed to die. I think when we finally get her ashes is when I will completely come to terms that she is not on a cruise...but somewhere better. In heaven with my grandpa Earl and my great-grandma Marge...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's not real...

I feel like I have a bag over my head. My grandma is supposed to comeback from her cruise on the 25th with a cute lil dress for Maddie...not cremated in a box. I'm not really sure what else there is to say other than, Rest in peace Grandma I love you so much and I know you are up in heaven watching over us.

Please pray for our entire family. Not only are we dealing with her untimely death, but we know there could be a major struggle getting her things in order. Keep our tongues in check...even when there's one person who deserves to get a new ripped... more than once.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ways to control future classes

Today was orientation and I have to say I was going through moments of fear and excitement almost at the same time. I was talking to my mom about getting the class's attention and we came up with this...

"STHU YOU UNGRATEFUL PUNKS BEFORE A CUT..YOU!" or something like that. What do you think? Appropriate or too harsh? I guess it depends where I teach. I could always try the classic "Excalibur stare"... "I'll wait." *glaring at you*. It really worked, just asked some of the adx alumni.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why do ppl get so huffy about the dumb stuff

There's an article online about how celebs are getting paid to tweet and now it's some controversy. Who gives a flying-fart that Kim Kardasian tweets about Carls Jr. If you don't want to see her tweets....DON'T FOLLOW HER! Twitter is no different any other media outlet that people use to sell a product. Honestly, it's a brilliant idea. Kim has over 2 million followers so if just a small percentage of those people see the tweet and go by that Carls Jr salad then she was worth it. Shoot. I wish I would have come-up with such amazing idea. Oye... I don't care, but the world is so stupid.

btw- do you know anyone that will pay me to tweet about their protect? :) i have 38 followers!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I know you may think this is innappropriate...

But I'm going to share it with you anyway.

"The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here is the best of the best, at least in my opinion :)
Ignoranus : A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

My mom thought it was so hilarious that she plans of using it in everyday conversation

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is so magical about alcohol pictures...

I swear, every time I see posted pictures on facebook or twitter it's of a glass of wine, or beer, or of a bar and I don't get what is so cool about that. I understand that people want to take pictures when they go out, but they should at least include a person in them. For instance, I get people taking pictures @ 21st birthdays, but don't just take a picture of the beer... take a picture of the person drinking the beer. But I don't know, I don't drink, but I can get on board with this... I'll start taking pictures of bottles of water and soda cans. So stay tuned for some really awesome pictures.

Monday, January 4, 2010

why so nostalgic Alie?

Why am I feeling so damn nostalgic? Last night I was sitting in bed and, I'm not sure if it was some one's status or picture, but I started to think of ADChi and undergrad and literally started to cry (and smile). I just started to think of all the laughter and shinanagins that went on almost every night and then I started to realize how much a miss it.

Then I wake-up and I see a tweeted picture of a class of beer and crayons and that made me start tearing up about all the years we went to softball tournaments, and how crazy and fun those were. Every time we would go out of town all the guys would play ball during the day then everyone would meet back at the pool and the kids would play while everyone else worked on a 24 pack of miller light. Then we would go out to dinner and the adults would again get a beer, while the kids colored their kids menus. I know that sounds redonk, but it was a big part, a fun part, of growing up, but now everyone is retired and/or the kids are all grown up so they would never go to the tournaments anyway. Can you tell I'm resisting the reality of growing up? because I definitely am...

This is the picture I saw...

Friday, January 1, 2010

voyerism is fulfilling

I'm kidding, but really, it's just fabulous when all these people tweet pictures of all the AMMMMMAZING things they do. I've gotten to see Katy Perry's pink tree and the Kim Kardasian playing a board game with Reggie Bush. Then pictures of Soap stars skiing on their time off or recording a cd with their band. Then to top it off you can leave thought provoking comments on those pictures... I really can't think of a better way to spend my time at home.

I think I should also take some time to wish you all a very happy New Years. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we were all freaking about Y2K. In that time we have witnessed the worst attack on US soil on 9/11/01, San Diego experienced two horrific fires. I graduated from high school and college. Made some of my best friends during my time in ADChi. I had the honor of being my sister's maid of honor and spent the last 8 months getting excited for the newest addition to our family, due in March. There were definitely some things that sucked butt, but overall I wouldn't change a thing and I'm excited as this year begins