Monday, March 22, 2010

"What the....!"

So we are sitting in the MARcedes (my grandma always said "mar" instead of "mer") dealership going over the details for my mom's new ML350 when I look over and ask the sales guy, "how do you test drive one of those" *points to SL65 AMG*. "You buy one." he responded. My jaw hit the ground. If I was going to drop $300Gs on a car I damn well be able to test drive it. He saw the look on our faces and just chuckled. My mom's ML is about 1/8 that price, but it is freaking awesome! I'll never get to drive it :(, but it's fun to ride in. I'm afraid we've created a monster and all she'll want to drive are MARcedes in the future. haha

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