Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fine 90% of the time...

I've found that by keeping busy, being with family,and trying to remember all our great times I'm getting by pretty well. I know that there are going to be some harder days as things start to slow down, but in my heart I know she's in a much better place. The one thing that I'm somewhat enjoying is finding all the old pictures and laughing and having my great uncle Howard tell us the stories behind the faded pics (he's an awesome storyteller... You should stop by sometime). Anyway, we found this picture of my grandma and my grandpa Earl (my mom's dad) when they were in vegas during the early 70s and I started to get sad that I never got to meet him. He died when he was 39 and my mom was 14. She always tells me how proud he would be of me and Andrea and how he would have gone to every game we played in and would have played golf with me, and such. It's just that I had my grandpa Gil and grandpa Doc until I was 14 and I had my grandma Shirley until just last friday, and I still have my grandma Lois, but I never got to meet grandpa Earl. I don't usually bring it up, and I most def won't now, because it usually makes my mom cry, but from time to time I think about what he would be like. Dying just sucks, especially when you don't really expect it. Both of my grandpas died of cancer, so while I was upset, I knew it was coming. But my Grandma Shirley... She literally died dancing. She was at dance club on a cruise, she got up and then collapsed from a major stroke. She was just on a cruise... She wasn't supposed to die. I think when we finally get her ashes is when I will completely come to terms that she is not on a cruise...but somewhere better. In heaven with my grandpa Earl and my great-grandma Marge...

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