Friday, June 18, 2010

Seriously? I need something to do...

Luckily I'm working at a Basketball camp at church next week mon-thurs, then off to Hawaii, but I know I'm going out of my mind when my dreams get weirder. Real people aren't even in my dreams!

I think it was on Monday that I dreamt about a "fashion magazine photo shoot" that they were doing in General Hospital (which really was filmed, but like 2 years ago), and then all the sudden Georgina from Gossip Girl and a bunch of high schoolers ran into the lobby (the shoot was in a hotel) and started stealing the clothes. The editor of the magazine and her assistants were scattered around trying to fend off the crazies, but Georgina and her army were like beating them up. Georgina was also pregnant and in a wedding dress. The weird thing is that while I heard through Entertainment Weekly that Georgina was pregnant at the end of the season I only watch half of season 3...So yeah, I need a life b/c when I'm board my dreams get weirder and weirder. Thank God we are leaving in less than a week for Hawaii b/c I need a change in scenery to veg out in

General Hospital "photo shoot"

*It's cheesy to the weesy...but my mom ruined me :x

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