Monday, April 12, 2010


Every now and then I take a look to see what important events happened throughout history hoping to find something interesting and I totally hit the jack pot... We'll it would be the jack pot if I actually had technology in the classroom and youtube wasn't blocked :/. April 14th is the 98th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic and how funny would it be if I showed them the trailer? tehehehe. They'd be like, "Teacher, (half can't remember my name), WTH is this? The effects suck and arent those actors like REALLY old? Avatar is better." *at which time I slap them... haha. Kids these days. I actually feel really old when I think about it. These brats wouldn't remember the movie because they were 3!!! OMG, I'M SO OLD. HAHA. anyway, just wasting time. I guess I should try to be productive.

Hmmm... If I can't show the trailer, maybe I should do my interpretive dance to "My Heart Will Go On." I'm sure they wouldn't think I'm weird at all! OMG I'm losing my mind. Please help me!

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