Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I know this is going to come out REALLY mean, but I swear people from California are just better looking than those in other places. I see pictures of people from other areas of the country and I sometimes ask, "is there something in the water?" Yeah, not everyone is a super model, but for the most part ppl seem to take some pride in their appearance no matter what body shape or style. Is it environment? Do we have more exposure to different styles and opportunities to create our own imagine? I see this even when it comes to the way people age. I saw a picture of a woman that I swear was like 60, but in reality she was a year younger than my mom. I know my mom is a victim of the "5 years younger" syndrome, but to look 10 years older than you really are is crazy. I know that I can be lazy and have at times gone out looking a lil scrubby, but I hope to God that people ppl don't go "eww, that girl looks gross."

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