Tuesday, February 26, 2008

like omg dude thats like so rad

hahaha... dude I mosdef want to head down south to visit my new friends and whip out every california cliche that I can think of.  I think the "like" thing would not be hard to do because I do it all the time and like my mom totally yells at me....HAHAHA.  I would bring 3 pairs of shoes; rainbows, chucks/vans, and uggs, surf brand clothes, and big sunglasses.  I'd keep it really causal, because "we are soo laid back man".  On my Ipod I would only have sprung monkey, sublime, blink, OC music, dre, 2pac, snoop, badfish...and any other socal bands.  Anyway, I'm just a dork and would totally love to go to small town south and get a feel for the whole two stop lights down main street culture.

You know I've been noticing that there are so many people around me with broken hearts.  We are too young for heart ache.  18-22 is supposed to be the best time of your life and it hurts to see people so low.  I'm used to seeing a sparkle in eyes and smiles on faces and those should never fade.  I think with some people more than others I can take one look at them and see that something is wrong.  I may not know what it is at the time, but I do know they need a hug.  A hug won't necessarily fix it, but if it can provide any comfort I want to provide that.  I know it may take time, but I look forward to the day when that sparkle and those smiles can be seen again.  I also hope they know that I'm a comfortable sholder to lay their head on.

In other news, my mom busted her leg last night and is going to be in a cast for about a month.  You can tell she feels defeated by this b/c she is such a strong person and when she trips on a gas hose and ends up laying on the ground crying in pain you know its bad.  When my mom cries I want to cry because things like this are not supposed to happen to your mom...especially mine.  I think she is the most upset about the fact that we are going to hawaii in 5 weeks and she might be in a cast...major bust.  So keep her in your prayers.

1 comment:

perkyNbLue said...

Monacs, you have an amazing heart and I pray that will never change! Continue to be a source of comfort and a listening ear and I'm sure these girls will find their smiles soon enough. I love you and your SoCal-talking face!! :D