Saturday, February 16, 2008

Independence Day

So I was watching a lil bit of Independence Day today before we went to run errands.  Let me tell you that that movie gives me the chills.  I'm not a conspirity theorist or a believer in aliens, but watching the scene where all the space ship hover over the major cities and then detroy iconic buildings just gives me the willies.  It just brings back 9/11 and seeing the WTC go down in flames and all the dabry that rushed through the streets.  With the way the world is now and how there is this costant tension b/t countries its just scary to think all the distruction we could cause.  It's also very apocoliptic, when you see the clouds that preceed the spaceships.  anyway, its time to go to dinner and celebrate both my sister and paris hilton's birthday. :)

1 comment:

perkyNbLue said...

I seriously LOVE that movie!!

... so much.