Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank Goodness!

So there were 12 but before they got names there were 11.  I have found out that the 12th pledge's name was going to be Madonna! OMG!  I hate to say it, but Im almost glad she dropped b/c Im inactive and I would have loved to have a lil named Madonna! haha.  There are sooo many cool things I could make her.  I would make her a cd of fun songs and I would totally modpodge a journal of pictures of all her different styles and songs!  omg.  hahaha.  Im totally kinding but it would still be amazing.  If I were PM I would name them madonna songs, Lucky Star, Ray of Light, Music, Holiday....and so on.  Anyway, I gotta hit the sack b/c I have a funneral to go to in the morning :( 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So I really want to learn how to ballroom dance, but I kind of want to dance to remixed songs.  If you have seen take the lead you know what I'm talking about.  They take classic dances like the rumba, salsa, and tango but take the songs and remix it with new beats.  the steps are the same the rythm is just a lil different.  I actually kind of want to learn all of the traditional dances.  I think that the waltz is very classic and romantic.  Swing, the rumba, and salsa are really fun dances and tango is just crazy sassy it gets ya all giggly.  I donno it just really looks fun.

If you're a wuss go play rec ball

So the whole hazing thing and its affect on pledging is really bugging me.  First of all nothing we do is hazing in anyway and we have all done it, survived, grown, and enjoyed it.  Now things have gotten to the point where Informal is going to be a joke.  I feel like we might as well have rush and give them pins at pref dinner.  whatever happened to earning something.
The statement was made that, "this is a social organization and we can't ask them to do anything".  well I understand that to a pont, but the thing is that they made the choice to pledge when they signed that lil paper and with that they should know their are certain tradition that come with it.  To better explain my train of thought I'm going to compare it to playing softball...
So I played rec softball for 9 years before I got to high school.  When it came time to dicide if I wanted to pl
ay softball I knew that it was going to involve more time, dedication an effort than rec ball did.  I didn't just go up to the coach and say, "hi.  I played 9 years of ball so I should be on varsity".  I went to try outs, showed the coaches what I had and waited for their decision.  Like other
s before I didnt go to varsity as a freshman, I went on jv.  And making the team was just the beginning.  I had to prove that I deserved to be on the team and start each game.  Aloing with that came lots of running, diving, hitting, fielding, throwing, scars, and horrible tan lines.  Unlike pledging, when informal is at the end, we have hell week at the beginning on the season.  Now they call it hell week for a reason.  It's a lot of conditioning and while we were tired and complained a lil, we never called cif and told them we were being hazed because the coach was making us run 2 miles a day!!!  If you played sports in high school you may cringe when you think of hell week, but we all know it was wo
rth it, because there was so much to be learned and improved so that some day we could be on varsity too.  If I wanted to compare Delta to a softball team in the area I would say we are a EastLake, Bonita, Torrey Pines, or even Scrpits ranch program.  we expect a lot out of the girls that come in and we want them to improve so that when the varisty girls graduate they are ready step right into their shoes and continue to be successful.  I never want to be a Sweatwater, Southwest, or Marian program, where you're a starting varsity pitcher if you have a glove and have played 2 seasons ball.  If a good team just asked a bunch of girls what position they played without actually seeing them in action how 
successful do you think that team would be.
I guess my point is that if you want to kick around and play for fun, go play rec ball, where you go and play 14 games, have a playoff and then start another season.  In other words, if all you want is so good fellowship and friends without having to show your loyality; go to campus crusade or refuge.  like we've been saying since 1925.... ADCHI OR DIE!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

like omg dude thats like so rad

hahaha... dude I mosdef want to head down south to visit my new friends and whip out every california cliche that I can think of.  I think the "like" thing would not be hard to do because I do it all the time and like my mom totally yells at me....HAHAHA.  I would bring 3 pairs of shoes; rainbows, chucks/vans, and uggs, surf brand clothes, and big sunglasses.  I'd keep it really causal, because "we are soo laid back man".  On my Ipod I would only have sprung monkey, sublime, blink, OC music, dre, 2pac, snoop, badfish...and any other socal bands.  Anyway, I'm just a dork and would totally love to go to small town south and get a feel for the whole two stop lights down main street culture.

You know I've been noticing that there are so many people around me with broken hearts.  We are too young for heart ache.  18-22 is supposed to be the best time of your life and it hurts to see people so low.  I'm used to seeing a sparkle in eyes and smiles on faces and those should never fade.  I think with some people more than others I can take one look at them and see that something is wrong.  I may not know what it is at the time, but I do know they need a hug.  A hug won't necessarily fix it, but if it can provide any comfort I want to provide that.  I know it may take time, but I look forward to the day when that sparkle and those smiles can be seen again.  I also hope they know that I'm a comfortable sholder to lay their head on.

In other news, my mom busted her leg last night and is going to be in a cast for about a month.  You can tell she feels defeated by this b/c she is such a strong person and when she trips on a gas hose and ends up laying on the ground crying in pain you know its bad.  When my mom cries I want to cry because things like this are not supposed to happen to your mom...especially mine.  I think she is the most upset about the fact that we are going to hawaii in 5 weeks and she might be in a cast...major bust.  So keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A wonderful weekend in wonderful Berekley

What a weekend!  I think that the Delta chapter is officially the loudest and most obnoxious chapter in ADX.  Wednsday through sunday was crazy!  Weds night Sandlot and I went to pick up girls from Alabama, Dew and Sunkist, and we almost got arrested by the rent-a-cop airport security.  I absoluuuuutely loved the Alabama girls, they were so cute and I actually think that their accent rubbed off on me, but thats cool because I love it.  Californias are so boring.  I mean I know that we arent all rock/movie stars, but our culture is broadcasted to the entire world through entertainment.  The best thing about having them stay with us is when we (Jag and I) took the girls to the AGO basketball game and seeing the look on their faces when they saw what girls wear to go out, quote, "ya'll really go out in that?!"  That night we also all decided to get pierced when we went to convention, but thats a different story.
Thursday night I got a grand total of 2.5 hrs of sleep b/c I had not packed before the basketball game and then I got up at 3:00 AM!!!  I was able to get in the shower, finish packing, and eat breakfast before other people were up!  The boys were nice enough to get up early and give us rides to the airport in the rain.  I thought we might 

be a lil loud, but when people hit the seats and fastened their seatbelts they were 
out cold!!!  In order to keep our hord of girls together, around 40, we were coralled and herded to the Beta house by some Beta girls.  After we got settled we hit the streets!!

"Hitting the Streets" included, eating lunch on campus, admiring an abundance of red and blue gingham in the thrift shop, navigating 10 girls into a cramped store, and making a pit stop at Berkeley's #1 piercing shop, "Zebras"....

Before 40 Deltas invaded Berekeley, Zebras was Italy's piercing shop of choice and she told us that when we went up there she was going to get another piercing and krio was gonna do it too.  Well that turned into a big conversation on thursday night about what each person wanted to get if we went there.  Jag decided on a belly botton ring, Dew and I wanted our noses done, and Sunkist wanted to get her lip pierced (side note: Sandlot said she w
ould do something, but in the end "too many people got piercings" and she didnt want to do it anymore beca
use of that). We were all going to wait for italy, but after we walked by it on our way to lunch we knew we had to go back after we ate.  I think that by the time everyone, including those that didnt get anything pierced, pilled their way into the shop we doubled to number of ppl in the store.  Well when the time can to get 'er done we pilled 10 people into the back room which is probably meant for no more than like 3, ppl included; me, dew, sunkist, tootsie, krio, twsanna, luganda, jag, mou rou, and juju.
  none-the-less, five of the 10 came out with new wholes and the other 5 had plenty of pictures to document the extravaganza. (Check out jag and twsana's facebooks for pics :))

The time to return was upon us and aft
er we were all back to the beta house, we were herded to the church where we were going to be staying at.  I think it was at that moment that Delta made their presence known b/c that is when we all laid down, head-on-belly style, and took up most of the room.  Versace, krio, italy, dior, and I went out to eat at this place called "crape a-go-go" and I never knew that a lil crape could satisfy me so well.  The overall set-up of our accomidations blew b/c there were only 3 bathrooms for like 180 girls.  But Delta being Delta, we made due and piled 10-12 ppl in one bathroom and brushed/washed/peed at the same time.  None of us got much sleep last night, but I think that was partly our fault since we are soooo LOUD.  

The actual convention was the next day and b/c we were staying at a church the lay-out was not great for getting ready so I know that my hair looked like crap but overall we figured it out.  We had to walk, in the rain, to another church, where the actual convention was being held.  We had a really neat speaker talk to us and chapter updates were cool the loot for sale was cool, the lunch was yummy, but the best part of lunch was seeing kix and the rest of the crazies start "big booty, big, booty"...or in some cases teaching girls how to play it.  The day wound down, but the end of the actual convention, meant the start of Deltamania.  

I don't know what got into us, but after dinner there was dancing, tickle wars, thong snapping, pantsing attemps, wrestling, and constant screaming.  Now you have to realize that while you had all of us going crazy the other chapters stared us like we were crazy (but I think we were having more fun entertaining ourselves).  Actually we seranaded everyone with our famous AGO song from last year and song our bid song.  I was just cracking up because we were being so obnoxious, but it was so great.  They set up a game for us to all play, but it was really boring and I wanted to either go to bed or hang out more.

It came time to hit the sack b/c again we had to get-up at the butt crack of dawn and get ready to fly home.  Italy had gone home so I was without a sleeping bag, but I thought I would be ok with just my blanket.  wrong. I got so cold that I laid my jacket on top of me.  The next morning Twsanna told me that she had asked if I wanted to share sleeping bag configutations, but I guess I was tired and didn't hear. bust.  We chartered a bus to take us back to the airport and not only was the guy late but it was rainy and I think he drove in the middle of 2 lanes the whole time.  He then took us to the international terminal, parked and said...oh didn't you want Southwest?  I then got pulled into secondary and put in the "puffer" machine.  We made it back just fine and there were only 2 things people wanted to do when they got back.... 1) shower 2) sleep.

So the trip was a success and I haven't had that much fun in a long time.  I know this sounds cocky, but I'm so glad I'm in Delta.  Everywhere you went the other girls were like, "oh you're delta?"  We're famous! (we also had the Psi groupies)  I know this may sound even worse, but we are also the cutest chapter. I mean there were cute girls in other chapters, but we were the cutest overall chapter.  It's a different feeling to be a part of something as cool as our chapter.  I also really loved this weekend because I rekindled some friendships and made some new ones.  Some with girls I never really thought would happen.  I'm still breaking in some of of the JAs but thats cool.  Now it's back to the real world, and that means; studying for a mid-term and reading for a paper due tomorrow.  I am excited for tonight b/c our lil pledgies loose their "names" hehehehe....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Invisible Cloak

So today was pretty funny.  I think that being in starbucks or holding a starbucks drink is my harry potter invisible cloak.  I walked into Starbucks @ Aztec Center after class and you know how sometimes there's that limbo land where you don't know who's in line and who is waiting for their drink, well I got stuck in that.  I stood in line, so I thought, behind a guy that kept creeping in the direction of the line and then all of the sudden some girl comes flying past us and gets in line!  I swear I have a "cut me" sign on my back (oh and the guy was not in line so I guess it was kind of my fault....BUT HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!). So then I get my drink and I stroll down the steps towards SS and I see Teso (I know this because of the bangs now :D).  we almost hit each other, but I was taking a drink so I couldn't say anything, and she didn't see me!  Then.... as Im walking through the Factulty/Staff lot some huge truck drives up over the sidewalk and almost hits me.... geeez people.  Anyway,  it was all funny.  I'm trying to decide if I'll act sad tonight.  I probably won't because I don't think my humor/sarcasm is understood or appriciated yet.  One thing I hope people understand, the young ones atleast, is that if I'm joking with you that is a clear sign I want to hang out/get to know you.  They also need to know that 99.999% of what I say is in good humor, and I love them all.

cleanliness is next to Godliness. right?

Soooooo convention is in like 4 days and while I'm super excited to go up there I'm not looking forward to the fact that we are not allowed to take showers saturday morning!  We're going to go up there in the rain, trek around the city, get sweaty and cold and suffer from suuuuuper frizzy hair and you're telling me I have to go to a convention the next day w/o a shower?!  I understand there are a lot of us and I understand that some go a whole week w/o shower, but I also know that some people need to shower everyday.  I'm going to be pissed when I wake-up in the morning with frizzy, out of control hair and be told to deal with it.  The thing about not showering for me is that when I don't shower I get a super dirty feeling and its like I start itching from head to toe.

Heres how you handle it.  I've seen where the Beta house is and it looks pretty big, like they might have 4 showers.  Create a sign-up sheet for each bathroom and each girl gets 20mins.  that is definently enough time to quickly jump in the shower and do whatever you have to do.  If you run out of time and can't dry your hair Im sure that there are outlets around the house where you can plug your dryer in to finish.  Another thing to take into account is that some people can take showers at night if they feel dirty after traveling and walking around town.  Now for the girls who were so adimat about us not taking're out of luck :).  

So in order to get a shower friday morning I have to get up at 315 am because we are leaving at 430!  whooop di doooo!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Honeeeyyyy...why no laugh?

Dude.  How can you not no laugh at the nail shop video clip!!!  Not human.  Watch it then go get your nails done and you will realize how amazing it is.  :)

Im excited because there are some girls from alabama that are coming on weds to say with us til friday.  I love people from the South.  They entertain me, but we probably entertain them just the same, singing Phantom Planet's "California" or Sprung Monkey's "Get 'em outta here".  Well it's time for bed.... and honnneeeey! you so pritty, like maaadol! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Independence Day

So I was watching a lil bit of Independence Day today before we went to run errands.  Let me tell you that that movie gives me the chills.  I'm not a conspirity theorist or a believer in aliens, but watching the scene where all the space ship hover over the major cities and then detroy iconic buildings just gives me the willies.  It just brings back 9/11 and seeing the WTC go down in flames and all the dabry that rushed through the streets.  With the way the world is now and how there is this costant tension b/t countries its just scary to think all the distruction we could cause.  It's also very apocoliptic, when you see the clouds that preceed the spaceships.  anyway, its time to go to dinner and celebrate both my sister and paris hilton's birthday. :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Breakin' 'em in like a new softball glove

So we got the new Psi class...oh my.  But I think I'm more excited about the new JAs.  They're still finding their comfort spot and are a lil timmid, but I just love it.  There are those girls you know are fitsy and fun, but you just have to break them in like a brand new glove.  I remember when I got my glove.  I think it was about 10 years ago and it took time and oil and 2 softballs nessled inside to get it just right... 10 years later, it's scratch up and floppy and I would never get rid of it!!  Anyay, back to what I was saying,  I know I can do it, right now they think I'm a lil crazy, but they will soon see the amazingness of my madness and hilarity.  Well I got a nice day ahead of me tomorrow; getting my hair done and then going to a really cool restaraunt for my sisters birthday... speaking of which, she has the same birthday as Micheal Jordan and and Paris Hilton. THAT'S HOT!!!

Mindless chatter about nothingness

I've watched 5 movies in the last 12 hours and 3 of them have had red-head main characters.  Whenever we watch  movies like this people discuss their desire for red hair.  I think more than any other hair color, having red hair is a fine balance.  You have to have the perfect combination of porcieln skin, light eyes, and a slight tint of pink in the cheeks.  For a person like me, the best I can do is put some daaaaaaaark red low-lights in my hair, so that when it hits the sun you can see the color.  But I like that because its kind of like a suuuuuprise!!!

In other news: I'm still sick and that sucks!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

way to simple minded

So sometimes I'm way to simple minded and sometimes I just can't keep people straight!!!  I remember in elementary school there were twins, brian and joey.  In first grade they were in the same class and I would always have to look and see what they were wearing each day in order to keep them straight!  Well I haven't really gotten better the years... except lizzie and sandlot.  while they're identical twins I can tell the difference.  anyways, the sad part now is that I feel like every semester there are atleast to girls I always get confused.  My pledge semester I always got tropi and straty confused.  actually I always called straty tropi, but never called tropi straty.  Sigma semester I always got Corve and 'stang mixed up...similar hair color, and freckels.  Phiphy class I always got channel and couture fact I'm still getting that straightened out.  Nooooow....I gotta actually deals with twins! haha.  Kind of like Brian and Joey, I have to watch what they're wearing and who their big is! hahaha...I just get sooo confused.

Today, being valentines days, has been great! haha.  woke-up coughing, hair ooks horrible,  nose running faster than the Yosemite Falls in Spring time.  I wanted to have pizza with people, but I have gotten no rsvps so I think I'll just be in my sweats and watch more movies.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I baught/watched/pre-ordered 3 movies ( Actually I watched two of them).  The first one I got first was  "the prince and me"last night, but I didnt watch that one.  then I went to bestbuy and baught Parent trap and laws of attraction (those are the 2 I watched).  If you havent done it yet you should really watch Laws of Attraction.  It stars Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore.  Pierce plays Daniell, a somewhat cocky divorce lawyer from NYC...and hes handsome!!  Juliannne plays a cute, but too bussy to persue a love life divorce lawyer in NYC.  Things get steammy, commplicated and romantic as the get drunk in ireland doing research for the case. So It's super sweet, and while hes"kinda old", you can't help to admit that pierce brosnan is good looking.  I think it's the james bond complex...once you play, no matter age, you beecome a grade a hunk.

The other movie I watched was Parent Trap.  I know its tottally Disney cheese, but I cant help but love it!  Before lindsey lost her freckles and went into rehab.  I also love Chessy and sassy.  Anyway, I'm in a cheesy state of mind and if you ever want to join me feel free

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

another prince charming movie

Im such a softy.  I'm such a sucker for cheesy disneyesc prince charming movies.  I just watched "The Prince and Me" and I got all gitty inside.  you know, the handsome prince charming and the normal, yet cute regular girl.  Even though it's rated PG there's the SASSY scene when they "hit the stacks" and thats so hot.  Don' know you all secretly want to do that in the back corner of the library.  Waiting for him to ride up to me on a beautiful horse :p... yeah right.  

In other news, yesterday was pretty much horrible.  I was super emotional and on the phone with my mom crying.  Then I started feeling sick and slept for 2 hrs before I went to Balboa Park for class- By the way, you all need to take a day trip to Balboa and really take in all that it has to offer.  Then I went to sleep at 1030 but I woke up at around 11 having a horrible siezure.  there was no ambulance required, but it really sucked.  Luckly I got a good night sleep and today was a lot better, 

Sunday, February 10, 2008

P.O.A.- Plan o' Action

Convention's coming 'round up in the wonderful San Fran-cisco!  I think I wanna get my "clique" together, call up the second most amazing 28 year old and have a great day.  I'm talking about lisa.  Before she moved to SF she was like a sister to me and a daughter to my parents.  I miss her every family event.  with the way I feel right now (cranky)...I'd love to spend time with some super cool ppl.  

Smile Factor:
-next semester?