Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So I went with Andrea and Lisa to Lisa's friend's house for  a party and one of the girls there was telling us about the culture down in the South.  In a nutshell she said that no matter what day it is most women are dressed up pretty much no matter what they are doing; they even dress their lil boys up when they go to play dates with other kids.  This got me thinking about SoCal and how we dress...and well, we are pretty darn casual.  It transcends race and class lines.  the majority of Southern Californians what to spend as much time as possible in a pair of jeans.  Now I'm not saying we're scrubs.  Most women still wear some make-up and do their hair...they just want to wear jeans.  And I'm not just talking about 501 Levi's, the jeans you wear can make a loud statement about what you like and how much money you spend on jeans.  Another thing is that jeans can be dressed down or up...I've got my tattered jeans I wear to retreat and then I've got my nice jeans that I wear for holidays and going out.  There are even places you can wear them to work.  If my mom is going to work and it's Friday or shes not busy shes not going to hesitate and throw on her favorite pair of joes or jags.  this trend even crosses over into the media.  when you watch shows that take place in SoCal you will see a lot of denim floating around no matter what area or class it is set in.  It's just very acceptable around here and we balance comfort and style in a very beautiful way.