Sunday, December 16, 2007

a great metaphor

So I came up with an awesome metaphor about how I'm feeling:

There was a big rock sitting on top of a hill and someone entrusted me to make sure that rock did not roll down the hill.  Well I started nudging it....not meaning to maliciously shove it down the hill.  well I nudge it too hard and it started to roll.  As it rolled there were people in it's path.  Some were unknowingly hit by it, some just step aside, some might have tried to stop it , but some others may have nudged it harder.  So as I stood up on top of the hill I realized that while the rock wasn't mine I was entrusted to watch it and it was really important to someone else.  The kicker is that if I hadn't nudged it in the first place none of the stuff that happened on the way down would have happened...or at least not on my watch.  So I'm accepting the blame cause I was careless with a something that was important to someone(s) I love and now they are hurt.

Ok good night now

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