Thursday, December 27, 2007

An "enchanted" afternoon

I had the best afternoon.  In a nutshell I came gome with a new sweater and tee from Gap and a new love for Disney movies.  If you haven't seen Enchanted you need to go see it TOMORROW!  Ar first glance it may look like anothe Princess Diaries, but you will wal out of the theater smiling.  I would go see it again with a five year old, 18 year old, even my grandma.  It pretty much draws from every Disney movie; Snowwhite, sleeping Beauty, Bambi, even a little Shrek.  So if ou are feeling downn in the dumps or just want to see a cute movie you need to jet to the nearest theater...and let me know because I'll tag along.

In other news:
Beloved teen tv star, Mischa Barton was arrested for DUI, driving without a license, and possession of marijuana...This is a very sad day for all OC fans. (single tear :p)

Friday, December 21, 2007

A BLAST!...from the past...and other happens

Well first off I was chillaksin' today and watch the end of season 1 (the oc) and I heard pretty much the most amazing line ever said in tv this is only really funny if you a) have seen season 1 and b) are an adchi girl.

The scene is when Kirsten is asking Hailey if she knew any male strippers to come to Julie's bachelorette party....

Hailey: "Does she have a picture of you wearing culottes or something? you don't even like Julie Cooper."

So yeah that made my day; until I left my purse at Daphne's and was told by the doc's office that they wouldn't refill my prescription (gag....If I have any seizures it on them!)  Then when we were walking out of Von's I see this girl standing at the Starbucks counter and we give each other the "I know you" look.  So then I realize it is Jess' sister.  total blast from the past.  the weird thing is that I thought they lived in Esco.  I know it was her too.  she had the big Jimenez teeth.  It was just crazy.  Now I better go get ready for our family Christmas party...gotta go put my face on :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So I went with Andrea and Lisa to Lisa's friend's house for  a party and one of the girls there was telling us about the culture down in the South.  In a nutshell she said that no matter what day it is most women are dressed up pretty much no matter what they are doing; they even dress their lil boys up when they go to play dates with other kids.  This got me thinking about SoCal and how we dress...and well, we are pretty darn casual.  It transcends race and class lines.  the majority of Southern Californians what to spend as much time as possible in a pair of jeans.  Now I'm not saying we're scrubs.  Most women still wear some make-up and do their hair...they just want to wear jeans.  And I'm not just talking about 501 Levi's, the jeans you wear can make a loud statement about what you like and how much money you spend on jeans.  Another thing is that jeans can be dressed down or up...I've got my tattered jeans I wear to retreat and then I've got my nice jeans that I wear for holidays and going out.  There are even places you can wear them to work.  If my mom is going to work and it's Friday or shes not busy shes not going to hesitate and throw on her favorite pair of joes or jags.  this trend even crosses over into the media.  when you watch shows that take place in SoCal you will see a lot of denim floating around no matter what area or class it is set in.  It's just very acceptable around here and we balance comfort and style in a very beautiful way.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

a great metaphor

So I came up with an awesome metaphor about how I'm feeling:

There was a big rock sitting on top of a hill and someone entrusted me to make sure that rock did not roll down the hill.  Well I started nudging it....not meaning to maliciously shove it down the hill.  well I nudge it too hard and it started to roll.  As it rolled there were people in it's path.  Some were unknowingly hit by it, some just step aside, some might have tried to stop it , but some others may have nudged it harder.  So as I stood up on top of the hill I realized that while the rock wasn't mine I was entrusted to watch it and it was really important to someone else.  The kicker is that if I hadn't nudged it in the first place none of the stuff that happened on the way down would have happened...or at least not on my watch.  So I'm accepting the blame cause I was careless with a something that was important to someone(s) I love and now they are hurt.

Ok good night now

rock n hard place

the hardest place to be and quite honestly I may have jammed myself into that position.  I made a bad choice and now I'm happier than ever that its break.  I have to apologize and and on another side try to avoid another cat 5 personal/emotional hurricane (damn global warming).  I didn't want to say the name it was supposed to be a teasing thing and it turned out horrible.  Another reason to just keep my mouth shut.  Man I stuck my size 9 foot in my mouth.  Not to put the blame on anyone else, but they blew it way out of proportion and 2 mins later I regretted my decision.  well, when I go out to the house tomorrow I'm getting in and out as FAST as I can.  I'm gonna avoid this one like the plague and wait until the vaccine makes its way around.  God I'm such a dumb@$$ sometimes....gone flogging 

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

down a toilet seat and door, up a can of beans in the bowl

Abosolutely gross.  I dont know where to start when it comes to adx bathrooms.  For some reason (actually I know what it is) we can't go a semester without having to call the plumber.  The reason it's so horrible is because everyone discards their massive hairballs either by sticking them to the side of the tub, or just leaving them chilling in the drain.  theres only a few things that gross me out...a dirty bowl and hairballs.  supposedly it was AGO prank to take the door and toilet cover off, and leave a nast can of cat food in the toilet and Corve has already fixed theres.  Im sooo tired.  I wish I was at home.  I just love my big warm bed and my clean, hairballless shower.  well less than a week and I'll be home for a full month.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"Riders on the Storm"

So another big one is headed this way.  We've already seen one element of the storm....7-12 ft waves.  I wish I could have seen them.  the footage of the waves was awesome.  This song seems fitting to me when ran is supposed to hit in the middle of the night.  Things that crawl in the night are spooky, and well this song is spooky.  It is like we are all anxiously waiting for a torrential down poor.  while I knew they weren't rain clouds these dark, heavy clouds started to roll in at around four.  The ran is exciting and fun to see how much comes down, and whether we get thunderstorms, but that's if I can stay inside.  It's going to suck tomorrow night if its raining because we are all going to be in dresses and heels, and well you've all seen me in heels when it isn't rainy.  I'm glad this week is over but I feel like I only have like 2 days to breathe until I have to start cramming.  Well its off to bed early b/c I've got stuff to do, I haven't been getting much sleep and I know tomorrow is going to be a loooonnnnngggg day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

a barefoot ball

I totally have the greatest idea for a banquet.  It will never happen b/c it would be kind of expensive, but nontheless.  I saw these OC season 2 promo pictures and the idea of the shoot is that all the guys have tuxes on and the girls have nice dresses on, but they are all just hangingout on the beach while the sun sets.  I could see the banquet being in the spring earlier on a saturday (like 5:30), infront of the del.  You set up a tent where the food is served and tables are set-up.  the decorations would be very elegant...chair covers, nice flatware, candle-abras.  It would be catered by crown-point catering and serve surf and turf.  than you go outside and the bar is set up and there are tables and lounge chairs and blankets set out.  I might even try to throw a bonfire in there somewhere.  I'd also play some bob marley and jack johnson music.  I see the girls wearing pretty dresses, but getting their toes done because they won't be wearing shoes.  they guys would wear suits with ties, or no ties, and no shoes.  I figure (atleast for girls), we like getting dressed up, getting pedicures, the beach, the sunset, and wearing no shoes or flip-flops.  I guess if I could name a theme it would be "causally elagent." But all of this would be really expensive and Im not the VP so I can only imagen. 

(Included is the material that inspired this idea)

Monday, December 3, 2007


Yes, Im the cheese ball.  I was thinking about couples and how a lot of times people do not have a lot in common.  We are creatures that create a list of what our life should look.  This is especially true for girls.  Right now some one could come up to me and say, "what are you looking for in a boyfriend?"
  1. Christian
  2. California boy
  3. taller than me
  4. loves baseball and golf
  5. enjoys history
  6. loves hawaii
  7. wears jeans looser than wrangers, but not as baggy as rapper jeans
  8. green, blue, hazel eyes
  9. Doesn't listen to country
  10. doesn't way less than that
Yet I know that the love of my life will probably be a country loving, hockey playing, brown eyed, short, skiny guy.  But I realize from watching others that it is not about whether or not you like same music.  My mom and dad could not be anymore different, yet theyve been married for amlost 30 years.  My mom is loud and sarcastic, and maybe a lil vein.  My dad is more quiet and reserved, not so quick-witted, and definentlly doesnt care about what he wears as much as my mom.  The only interest that you should have in common is loving each other.  It seems like if you can focus on that instead of the fact that he likes country you can be happy. So this is a totally cheese blog and its mostly just to procrastinate.

A race to the finishline

It has been another one of those semesters.  floating down the college river, until now when the rapids start throwing my boat around.  I have so much to do and I am in that horrible paralyzed state of mind where I don't even know where to start.  I've got a 2 pager do tomorrow, which I'm halfway done with, but then I have to research and write a 5 page research paper for polisci due weds.  Then it's off the wonderful world of a presentation and rough draft due on Thursday.  The end of the semester is just one of those horrible times when you want school to end, but that means there is rough water ahead before you get to that point.....