Thursday, January 28, 2010

A sad day

I recently heard that Avatar was surpassing Titanic as the highest grossing film and it made me an itsy bitsy sad. No I haven't seen Avatar, and there's a part of me that wants to go see it, but my life won't end if I miss out. It's just that Titanic was the movie of my generation. I had friends that literally went and saw it like 5 times in the theater (I saw it once). I guess when I think about it, every generation/decade has that one "movie". Avatar closed out the first decade of the 2000s. Titanic was the movie of the 90s. ET the 80s. Star Wars the 70s...and so on. If you've every spent the three hours watching Titanic with me you know I make fun of it, but it still tugs at my heart darnit! I remember when we got it on vhs and I always just wanted to watch the first tape b/c the second one was when it started to sink. To this day I watch that STUPID movie and hope Jack doesn't die...JAMES CAMERON YOU SUCK! HAHA. Then we can't skip over the credits because it is necessary to dramatically sing and dance to "My Heart Will Go On". In fact, did you have to sing that damn song in 6th grade choir?...oye. Anyway, lets all observe a moment of silence for the once thought to be "Unsinkable" movie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not gonna lie... a tad bitter.

Everyday I see alll these messages of actors/singers who get up, work-out, "organize", then get-up again sore as hell the next day. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a tad bitter. I'm working my ass off all week for a career which will pay starting $40K/year up to $60K/year 20 years down the road... Impacting tomorrow's leaders!!! It's not that I don't want to do it, but let's switch gigs yo for one week, especially at the beginning when you are running around like a chicken w/ its head cut off. So go upward and onward great entertainers, maintaining you perfect figure, while we teach you snotty kids for 7 hours before you pick them up in your 5 series.

*I'm just being a sarcastic smartass, but you know what they say... there's always a lil truth in every joke.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

*LIGHTING* 1, 2, 3... *THUNDER!!*

That's right, it's been a "STORM WATCH" week in San Diego the past 4 days and there's this silly part of me that loves it. In fact, I'll admit right now that I get weather updates texted to me. The rain itself is a nice short change in our "Early morning clouds with sunny skies by the afternoon" daily weather, but what I really love is a good thunderstorm. I kept missing them all week, or thinking I saw lighting then not hearing the thunder or not seeing another strike, but this evening was different...

I'm not sure if you've ever been to my house, but the family room is like a fish bowl and perfect for watching storms come in from the west, pass over us and head east over the mountains. Right around 9:00 my dad and I started to see lightening out towards the west, but after counting the seconds between strike and clap we figured they were about 10 miles away. Somehow that quickly changed and it was literally like, "boom, boom, pow!" over my house (poor Maggie was freaking out) and before I could even say "HOTT DAMN!" the hail started pelting the patios. It was so amazing. My dad opening the door to get a better look at the hail and you could feel how quickly the temp had which my mother said, "Close the door!". I know this is all hugely dorky, but a Southern California girl needs a lil weather spice in her life every now and again.

While that lil episode was fun, I think the craziest one I can remember was about four years ago (probably around the same time) during a STORM WATCH! day when we were in Subway and saw a huge lighting bolt, then almost at the same time a clap of thunder so loud that shook the whole building. Everyone just kind of stopped and looked at each other. Then after we ate the temp had dropped so much that we actually had to go home and put on our "winter clothes" (at least what we consider to be "winter clothes"). But the coolest thunderstorm I ever saw was a couple years ago early in the morning around like 6:00ish as the sun was rising. I flipping over on my stomach and watched the light show go on right as the sun was rising over the mountains and I swear it was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen... and I didn't even have to get out of bed :). Anyway, I'm glad that our good 'ole SD winter is returning this weekend, but it was fun watching some pretty crazy rain and wind so strong it threw our chase lounge chairs into the pool.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fine 90% of the time...

I've found that by keeping busy, being with family,and trying to remember all our great times I'm getting by pretty well. I know that there are going to be some harder days as things start to slow down, but in my heart I know she's in a much better place. The one thing that I'm somewhat enjoying is finding all the old pictures and laughing and having my great uncle Howard tell us the stories behind the faded pics (he's an awesome storyteller... You should stop by sometime). Anyway, we found this picture of my grandma and my grandpa Earl (my mom's dad) when they were in vegas during the early 70s and I started to get sad that I never got to meet him. He died when he was 39 and my mom was 14. She always tells me how proud he would be of me and Andrea and how he would have gone to every game we played in and would have played golf with me, and such. It's just that I had my grandpa Gil and grandpa Doc until I was 14 and I had my grandma Shirley until just last friday, and I still have my grandma Lois, but I never got to meet grandpa Earl. I don't usually bring it up, and I most def won't now, because it usually makes my mom cry, but from time to time I think about what he would be like. Dying just sucks, especially when you don't really expect it. Both of my grandpas died of cancer, so while I was upset, I knew it was coming. But my Grandma Shirley... She literally died dancing. She was at dance club on a cruise, she got up and then collapsed from a major stroke. She was just on a cruise... She wasn't supposed to die. I think when we finally get her ashes is when I will completely come to terms that she is not on a cruise...but somewhere better. In heaven with my grandpa Earl and my great-grandma Marge...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's not real...

I feel like I have a bag over my head. My grandma is supposed to comeback from her cruise on the 25th with a cute lil dress for Maddie...not cremated in a box. I'm not really sure what else there is to say other than, Rest in peace Grandma I love you so much and I know you are up in heaven watching over us.

Please pray for our entire family. Not only are we dealing with her untimely death, but we know there could be a major struggle getting her things in order. Keep our tongues in check...even when there's one person who deserves to get a new ripped... more than once.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ways to control future classes

Today was orientation and I have to say I was going through moments of fear and excitement almost at the same time. I was talking to my mom about getting the class's attention and we came up with this...

"STHU YOU UNGRATEFUL PUNKS BEFORE A CUT..YOU!" or something like that. What do you think? Appropriate or too harsh? I guess it depends where I teach. I could always try the classic "Excalibur stare"... "I'll wait." *glaring at you*. It really worked, just asked some of the adx alumni.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why do ppl get so huffy about the dumb stuff

There's an article online about how celebs are getting paid to tweet and now it's some controversy. Who gives a flying-fart that Kim Kardasian tweets about Carls Jr. If you don't want to see her tweets....DON'T FOLLOW HER! Twitter is no different any other media outlet that people use to sell a product. Honestly, it's a brilliant idea. Kim has over 2 million followers so if just a small percentage of those people see the tweet and go by that Carls Jr salad then she was worth it. Shoot. I wish I would have come-up with such amazing idea. Oye... I don't care, but the world is so stupid.

btw- do you know anyone that will pay me to tweet about their protect? :) i have 38 followers!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I know you may think this is innappropriate...

But I'm going to share it with you anyway.

"The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here is the best of the best, at least in my opinion :)
Ignoranus : A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

My mom thought it was so hilarious that she plans of using it in everyday conversation

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is so magical about alcohol pictures...

I swear, every time I see posted pictures on facebook or twitter it's of a glass of wine, or beer, or of a bar and I don't get what is so cool about that. I understand that people want to take pictures when they go out, but they should at least include a person in them. For instance, I get people taking pictures @ 21st birthdays, but don't just take a picture of the beer... take a picture of the person drinking the beer. But I don't know, I don't drink, but I can get on board with this... I'll start taking pictures of bottles of water and soda cans. So stay tuned for some really awesome pictures.

Monday, January 4, 2010

why so nostalgic Alie?

Why am I feeling so damn nostalgic? Last night I was sitting in bed and, I'm not sure if it was some one's status or picture, but I started to think of ADChi and undergrad and literally started to cry (and smile). I just started to think of all the laughter and shinanagins that went on almost every night and then I started to realize how much a miss it.

Then I wake-up and I see a tweeted picture of a class of beer and crayons and that made me start tearing up about all the years we went to softball tournaments, and how crazy and fun those were. Every time we would go out of town all the guys would play ball during the day then everyone would meet back at the pool and the kids would play while everyone else worked on a 24 pack of miller light. Then we would go out to dinner and the adults would again get a beer, while the kids colored their kids menus. I know that sounds redonk, but it was a big part, a fun part, of growing up, but now everyone is retired and/or the kids are all grown up so they would never go to the tournaments anyway. Can you tell I'm resisting the reality of growing up? because I definitely am...

This is the picture I saw...

Friday, January 1, 2010

voyerism is fulfilling

I'm kidding, but really, it's just fabulous when all these people tweet pictures of all the AMMMMMAZING things they do. I've gotten to see Katy Perry's pink tree and the Kim Kardasian playing a board game with Reggie Bush. Then pictures of Soap stars skiing on their time off or recording a cd with their band. Then to top it off you can leave thought provoking comments on those pictures... I really can't think of a better way to spend my time at home.

I think I should also take some time to wish you all a very happy New Years. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we were all freaking about Y2K. In that time we have witnessed the worst attack on US soil on 9/11/01, San Diego experienced two horrific fires. I graduated from high school and college. Made some of my best friends during my time in ADChi. I had the honor of being my sister's maid of honor and spent the last 8 months getting excited for the newest addition to our family, due in March. There were definitely some things that sucked butt, but overall I wouldn't change a thing and I'm excited as this year begins