Sunday, October 12, 2008


Pretty great. I really needed a few days to just "chill", at least before returning to the reality of a 10-12 pg paper due thursday. The ride up: Madgas, Dizzle, Tswana, Sunbright, and me= FANTABULOUS!! Dizzle, Tswana, and I got in a short tickle war which allowed them to see how I react to being tickled...very dangerous, limbs everywhere. when it was pitch black and the going got tough Madgas' Tom Tom came through...God bless the makers of GPS devices all over the world. The cabin was awesome. a lil chilly on friday, but that's where the camping mummy bag worked nicely. Got to share a room with the amazing sigmas and fell asleep giggling to their shinanagins. Saturday was great. Lots of devo time and a short stack at The Loose Cabose with the AP was great. Entertainment practice rolled around and I have to say I was a lil bummed b/c I was alone and didn't have anything planned. Luckily the Chi Class welcomed me with open-arms to join their act... what a great group of young girls (they made me realize how old I am). Oh and a shout out to Tswana's "costume" :p. that was all followed by the Delta retreat tradition of "the fruit game", in which I got "pillow whipped" many times. That game is an all-time favorite b/c I love seeing girls freak out, but it wasn't truly the same without the original peach and lime couple (aka- mings and tropi). Time to wind down and settle in for the night I offered up sharing my 'smaller than a full bigger than a twin' bunk b/c it was so cold the night before and I know from experience that more bodies= more warmth. So after Tswana and I tuck ourselves in I remembered that they turned the heat up a lil, and remember more bodies= more warmth. so there was more time spent trying to find a comfortable position, where I wasn't too hot and/or invading too much of my bunk mates space. hahaha. But thats ok, b/c I was able to make fun of her for softly (ok more than softly) snoring. The drive home was pleasant- tom tom lead the way, there was no traffic and many of us drifted in and out of consciousness. Overall, retreat was great, and I feel like I have come back closer to people than before....

Have you ever met, or been friends with someone who, while completely different, does things that remind you of a significant person from your past? I mean, no where close. darker hair, completely opposite personality, darker skin color, etc, but than I'll see a certain facial expression or hear a voice inflection and it sends me flying back 5 years. It's not a bad memories type thing, b/c we had a 'falling away' instead of a 'falling out'. different schools meant different majors, friends, and new activities which just shifted our time and priorities. Whenever I see those minascule similarities I start to wonder what they are doing. on the east coast now, with a career, and different friends, while I'm still here. not that I'm unhappy, it's just weird thinking about the fact that we were the closest friends could be without actually being blood related and now the only thing I really have is creeping their facebook now and then. I guess that's what college turns out to be a lot of times. New friends, from the age 19-23...growing together and sharing countless memories. Simply put, you could say my "bridal party" has shifted since 2004 and I think that's both awesome and sad in the same breath.


perkyNbLue said...

I just have to say that I think it is hilarious that as girls, we determine the closeness of our friends by who would be in our Bridal Party. I KNOW mine has changed several times and I have definitely referenced it in such a way, but I just wanted to point it out. It made me smile! :D

Alie said...

yeah I know. I use that reference pretty loosely, but there is some truth in it :)

Cortney said...

retreat was so fun with you nocks, im glad we got to spend lots of time together! love you alpha roomie!

Alie said...

ahhh... love you too. retreat was great and I can't wait for SLO :)