Sunday, November 22, 2009

John 3:16...

I really hate trying to have a conversation about a verse and the other person not even attempting to understand my point of view. We were discussing the "reason for the season" and I brought up John 3:16 and the person's snap reaction was, "that verse is not about Christmas. Christmas didn't even exist when it was written." WELL DUUUUUH! That's not the point. I have always believed that John 3:16 was a compact way to explain why God sent Christ to earth. To me that has EVERYTHING to do with Christmas. If God didn't want to send his son to our world in the form of a human to live a sinless life and pay the ultimate price for our eternal salvation than there is no reason to have the holiday. I felt like I was talking in circles so I just left. I try not to get overly emotional, but it is important to me so I can't help it.

1 comment:

perkyNbLue said...


There is no verse telling us to celebrate His birth. We do it for the reason in 3:16. You had good reason to fight your stance. Love ya!