Saturday, November 28, 2009

Watch your "Blind side"

Everyone who is goo goo ga ga about "New Moon" needs to get over it and spend their next $8 to see "The Blind Side". I'm sure you've seen the previews but if you haven't, in nut shell the movie is a true story about a wealthy family taking in a homeless boy, Michael Oher, and the story of him becoming a great lineman, getting a scholarship to play football at 'ole miss, then being drafted by the Ravens. Sandra Bullock's character Leigh Ann is the backbone of the story and I sat there thinking, "Oh my God! That is my mom with a southern accent!"...if you have had the pleasure of meeting my mom you would see it too.

For example- Leigh Ann is looking for Michael after he ran away and she goes to the projects where he used to live and all the guys were cat calling her and threatening Michael...

"You threaten my son you threaten me."...

"I'm in a Bible study with the DA, I'm in the NRA, and I'm always packing"

Though my mom doesn't "pack" if we lived in the South she might... hehehe. When we got out of the theater, almost on cue, she turns and says, "I want to go pick up a sweet, homeless black boy and adopt him." (Luckily we were able to restrain her from driving down to Imperial Ave. in search of that person). If you are tired of pasty vampires with dirty hair, and want to see a true, funny and heart warming movie I strongly suggest The Blind Side

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