Sunday, January 27, 2008


So I know I already talked about the book I finished but I couldn't figure out how to best explain it.  In short it was the 16th century Las Vegas where there was no age limit for gambling, drinking, and multiple women at anytime was completely acceptable... sometimes young mistresses were traded like baseball cards would be today.  The theme song would definitely be "Party like a Rock star" by shop boyz.  anyway, :).

In other news (or thoughts)-

HONEYYYY!!!  A three hour difference is a cake walk.  suck it up, change your watch, and be cool.  Try 9 hours.  From San Diego to Paris.  Up and at the airport at 6 am on 12/25/2001 and landing at 12 pm paris time on 12/26/01!  Oh and you think I got any sleep... yeah right!  And then they say you have to stay awake and go to bed at the normal local time in order to fight the jet lag.  When I think about it, I don't really remember much about that day, except that we got our luggage and we were calmly asked by security to leave the terminal while we were getting our francs b/c there was a "questionable" bag sitting there....a couple minutes my dad found out they had detonated the bag and reopened the area....hmmmm.... another day at the Charles degual airport.

Kings, queens, and unmentionable things

So if you thought hollywood was crazy, read a book about the french royal court in the 15th/16th century.  While I should be reading for school I've been reading the book "Mademoiselle Bolyen" and it has been EXTREMELY interesting. I got the book on friday afternoon and I'm almost done.  If you know me at all you know I dont usually bust through books that fast. Now I understand its a historical fiction book but after all the french history that I have learn I can say the backbone of the book is pretty accurate.  You would not believe the things that went on in court!  It makes brittney spears like like like an rookie!  The king goes through mistresses like crazy and the amount of gambling that goes on in unbelievable.  If I had to give the book a movie rating I would overall give it a pg-13 rating with about 15 rated-R pages.  People who don't think history is interesting should really read about the royal courts in Europe.  It's not all wars and exporlarations

Saturday, January 19, 2008

10 movies you must see and the "prince charming complex"

So these arent in any order (except for #1), but you need to see ALL of them

  1. Forest Gump- Its an American classic and I think you are un-American if you've never seen it
  2. Monty Python: The Holy Grail- at first glance, maybe even first viewing you may be repulsed b/c its so rediculous... but thats the charm
  3. Mean Girls- It's the best representation of my generation's high school experience... 
  4. Wayne's World- Mike Meyers is a genius
  5. A League of Their Own- If you play(ed) softball this movie will touch your heart
  6. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves- It's a funny, romantic, action-filled movie that everyone will love
  7. Anchor Man- It's just funny.
  8. Evita- A great musical b/c it is an Andrew Lloyd Weber movie and Madonna rocks the Evita persona
  9. Christmas Vacation- It's a family favorite in the Hunter family and the holiday season is not complete w/o it
  10. Sound of Music- yes it's long, yes it's old, yes it's a musical but there are soooo many beloved songs that came from this movie.
Now onto my analysis of the "prince charming" complex that haunts every girl, no matter their age, race, culture, or social standing.  I think it starts the first time we hear a fairytale or see our first Disney movie.  Even when we grow up and recognize that "prince charming's" on white horses don't exist we still hold the idea close to our hearts.  It doesn't have to be a Disney or Jane Austin story, it can be a modern day story that makes your heart flutter.  There's the traditional crashing through windows to save the love of your life and there's the story of a character running up onto a stage at prom and kissing the love his life.  I especially think the idea of being rescued is a big thing.  I mean after watching Robin Hood last night I realized how hot is it that he crashes through the castle window and fights the sheriff in order to save Marion... in the words of Paris Hilton "THAT'S HOT!"  Even when we do meet our "prince" and acknowledge is human we melt when does prince charming type things that sweep us off our feet.  I guess as long as we remember that castles, princes, and white horses only live in our hearts and minds and not in reality we can only decide what our realistic prince charming is.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Such a period piece sap

So I'm watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves for the 1 1/2 times today.  I watched like half of it on HBO and now I'm watching it on DVD b/c it's been so long and I couldn't remember the first part.  Anyway, I'm such a sap... I love the romantic parts of period pieces.  I love robin and marry in this movie b/c shes so sassy and independent and robin's the long lost boy from her past that she falls for.  If I every made a period piece the female character would be sassy and independent too.  Even though the sheriff is evil I still think he's hilarious. "keep the stitches smaaaaallll!".  But really the high point is towards the end right as the sheriff is trying to marry marry and she sees robin and screams "ROBIN!".  it's so intense and romantic.  but instead of medieval 12th century and have the movie set in the 18th or 19th century.  During the enlightenment period.  I've written a movie in my mind in that setting for soooo long.  I know what the storyline would be and how many characters would be in it.  I even have names for the main actors in mind.  I'm such a dork. ooooooow flaming arrows flying through the air right now.  that's high tech.  anyway, back to the amazing, and then I listen to the Bryan Adams song "I do it for you"... you know you love it!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What the Sleet!

So I guess San Diego is supposed to get sleet on tuesday.  I've never seen or experienced it but from what I know it's icy-rain.  Now San Diegans can barely drive in rain and you want us to drive in sleet.  Oh goodness.  Break is coming to an end and quite honestly I'm looking forward to have something to do.  During break I've pretty much been getting up at 8ish, eating breakfast, watching dvds/youtube, then meeting my mom for lunch, going home and watching the OC on Soapnet :p. 

Sunday, January 6, 2008

American Gladiators!

So I really don't care who you are, you HAVE to watch Gladiators tomorrow night, NBC @ 8PM.  It is such a throwback b/c I used to watch it with my dad when I was young.  Yeah it's a lil cheesy...OK its really cheesy, but the competitions are real and it's pretty intense.  If I could, I would totally train to go on the show.  Now if I was a Gladiator on the show my name would be "STRIKER!!!"... a lil throwback to my pitching days :p.  Man those were the days.  I had Gladiator competition size legs.  Well anyway,  you need to tone in tomorrow, and trust me, you will be totally addicted by the end.  oh, and... GO CHARGERS!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


So the big news in San Diego this week is the "big winter storm" that is going to hit late tomorrow night...a whole 1-2 inches is expected on the coast!!!  This shows how lame our weather is here in southern california...not that Im saying I dislike mid70s-low80s and sunny but you know it would be nice to mix it up a lil.  I mean when we get any sort of thunderstorms they are always in the mountains, but I do have to say I have a pretty awesome room set-up b/c when we do get those storms I flip over in my bed, open the shutter and watch the show.  I think the craziest weather I've seen in SD in awhile was a couple winters ago when we had a pretty strong storm role through.  my parents and I were in Subway and there was a thunderstorm outside.  I saw the flash of lightening and I started to count to see how far away it was but before I could start counting the building shook.  That doesnt usually happen in Chula Vista.  Then we got in the car and look at the temp only to see it say 45 thats reallllly cold for the the middle of the day.  We were going to meet my sister, but we actually went home and changed into our "paris/NY" clothes.  Cold to us is like fact we had our heater on this evening and it wasnt really cold.  The forcast says its going to be in the 50s this weekend so I will be getting my snow gear out (actually I dont really have snow gear....hmmm)

On top of all that my dad decided he wanted to watch "Storm Chasers" tonight!  I wanted to pee my pants seeing some of those storms.  Seriouslly, after watching shows like that I thank my lucky stars that I live in, "sweet home san diego"