Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wanted: Extra fabric at the American Music Awards

Did anyone see the AMAs and the LACK of fabric on some of those glittery dresses!!! I sat there wondering, how do you sit down? do you have a blanket to cover your legs? How do you keep it from riding up when you walk across the stage? I'm serious! Double-sided tape on the back of the legs? I guess the slow economy has hit hollywood hard and the best way to save money is to wear dresses that cover your butt by 2 inches... oye this people!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who's old enough to remember?

Who's old enough to remember Toni Braxton's "Un-break my heart"? OMG, I just heard that song today and I seriously got weepy. If you hear it for the first time on the radio it sounds like a standard heartbroken, break-up song, but when you see the video and realize it's about TYSON BEDFORD dying it's totally depressing. The video alone... If I was dating that man and he died I'd probably be just as depressed as Toni. I can't believe it came out in 1995. I feel so old b/c my kids weren't even born yet! :o!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bond. James Bond.

If I could be anything super random, out of this world for even one day it would totally be a Bond Girl. But not just a Bond Girl... a badass Bond Girl who has people wondering where she keeps her little gun. And James has to be David Craig. That man is such a fine James Bond. I have to be like 5'10 with super long legs and a sweet Russian accent and a first name like Ivanka (let me know if you can think of something better). Seriously though, I'm sort of a tomboy so I would be down for car chases and gun fights, but I love glamming up so of course I wouldn't mind being on James' arm while he sips his martinis... shaken. not stirred. Unfortunately my dream will never come true b/c they aren't going to make anymore Bond movies. What a sad day. Now I guess I just have to settle for teaching history to hormonal adolescents.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A theoretical Moral Dilema

Have you ever met someone new that looks EXACTLY like a close friend or family member that it's kind of weird? I mean to the point where if you took cut outs of each person and compared them they'd look like twins? Well there's a teacher at O'Ferral that looks EXACTLY like Andrea's friend Vanessa and it got me wondering if it would be wrong to unknowingly assigned to a family friend as your guide teacher? I mean there is no way they could be objective. If I was ever put in that position (aka- if Vanessa was actually a social science teacher) there's a part of me that would be like, "SWEET this should be a cake walk." b/c she's like another sister to me. But then they other part of me, and probably my mom too, would be like, "nooo, that's not fair. You should ask for a different guide teacher". THANK GOD I'M NOT IN THAT POSITION!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A teacher's best friend

I was just reminded of The Devil Wears Prada today when I realized that it would be amazing to have a talking Miranda Priestly doll to take to class.

Kids are slowing coming into class and you push #1- "By all means, move at a glacial pace. you know how that thrills me."

I ask the kids to get out their work and they either don't have it or it's not finished, push #2- "Why is no one READY?"

After going over an assignment to do in class a student comes up to ask a question, push #3- "...please bore someone else with your... questions. "

Right as the bell rings, push #4- "That's all."

and the doll would be slightly larger than a Barbie so she can stand on my desk, but not get in the way.

I think it's awesome and after I get a job (and tenured, b/c it might get complaints) I'm going to make a talking Miranda Priestly doll and use her daily in class

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fan clubs!

I just don't know if I could ever bring myself to be a hardcore "fan club" member of something and spend money traveling places to meet actors/actresses. I bring this up because every year the people of General Hospital set up shop at some hotel in LA and people buy tickets to go to different actors events, meet and greets. It's just crazy to me that people spend hundreds to fly to LA to meet these people. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be cool to meet some of them, but I ain't spending $85 a pop to sit in a room while ppl ask questions about their character...and I wouldn't even have to go that far. Haha. Plus I've seen pictures of some of these peeps and it's like 100 middle-aged overweight midwesterners in stretchy jeans (ok that's kind of mean). I'd feel super awkward and I don't need to spend any money to feel more awkward than I usually feel. Not to mention the hotel...(here comes my snobbery) is not very appealling. I'm sure it's great for Peggy Smith from kansas city, but this homegirl needs a lil more class. I just don't know. I'm the type of person that would be happy enough to run into or take a picture of someone passing by and not have to suffer through other crap. I want to save my money for other things like... The anniversary sale at nordstrum that goes on at the same time... Now that's something I'd join a fan club for!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I know this is going to come out REALLY mean, but I swear people from California are just better looking than those in other places. I see pictures of people from other areas of the country and I sometimes ask, "is there something in the water?" Yeah, not everyone is a super model, but for the most part ppl seem to take some pride in their appearance no matter what body shape or style. Is it environment? Do we have more exposure to different styles and opportunities to create our own imagine? I see this even when it comes to the way people age. I saw a picture of a woman that I swear was like 60, but in reality she was a year younger than my mom. I know my mom is a victim of the "5 years younger" syndrome, but to look 10 years older than you really are is crazy. I know that I can be lazy and have at times gone out looking a lil scrubby, but I hope to God that people ppl don't go "eww, that girl looks gross."