Monday, March 22, 2010

"What the....!"

So we are sitting in the MARcedes (my grandma always said "mar" instead of "mer") dealership going over the details for my mom's new ML350 when I look over and ask the sales guy, "how do you test drive one of those" *points to SL65 AMG*. "You buy one." he responded. My jaw hit the ground. If I was going to drop $300Gs on a car I damn well be able to test drive it. He saw the look on our faces and just chuckled. My mom's ML is about 1/8 that price, but it is freaking awesome! I'll never get to drive it :(, but it's fun to ride in. I'm afraid we've created a monster and all she'll want to drive are MARcedes in the future. haha

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I haven't been shhed since womens health 350

Not only did it make me crack up, but it brought back all the greatness of Excalibur's fierce death stare. Within each block there are multiple ppl who have the same emphasis and all those ppl stick together and go to their respected "methods class". For me that means that I am in the same social science methods class as 5 other of my "block bodies" so we see each other all week long. It's actually nice because we get along and we are kind of like a clique. Anyway, right now pairs are presenting different activities you can do with your class and this paticular instance it was a "6th grade class". We were finishing up and grading ourselves and group when I jokingly said "I should of given myself an A". Well I guess the class was starting to move on b/c all the sudden I here one of the girls, Lisa, say, "Alie..." with a very stern look on her face but trying not to laugh. Now to put it in prospective you need to take Ex+4yrs-9inchs-a shade of blond. It wasn't as intense of a glare, but I just couldn't help but think of all the times Ex had my back and shhhed ppl like Jig on my behalf. Along with Lisa there's a guy name Corey who always sits with us in our Bilingual class (God help me, I hate that class) and each week we've promised to bring food to share b/c there's no time for dinner...Well she ain't getting my snack! Ppl who shhh me don't get this sugar-mamma's food. Anyway, stupid story. I'm glad I have awesome block buddies, but that death stare made me think of Excalibur and how much I miss her dry sarcasm... oh the good ole days. :)

And let me just add a little rant about that stupid Bilingual Ed class... the "professor" Margie take's role by passing out name cards. Now I literally sit at the same table with Corey, Lisa, and *random*, but every week she goes around the class twice before finally figuring out where Lisa and I are sitting. To the point where she is holding both cards, side by side...we are such jerks we just sit there and laugh. hehehe. To add to that, Margie is our "professor", but the entire class is almost three hours of other ppl presenting material from the book... you guessed it, I spend most of my time on facebook :p.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So frustrating....

Enriching tomorrow's leaders! B-S! I'm not giving up but it's a blow to your ego when a student pretty much calls you a bitch without using that exact wording. Andrea Hernencia- She's a senior, has a kid, and a kidney problem, and giving me hell. I go up to her, smile and say, "Hey, how's it going? Do you have any questions?" and her response is, "No. I hate this class. I hate you. I'm not going to do my work and I'm not going to learn anything." *shock!* If it was still legal to smack students I would. I spent 4 days preparing an extensive study guide to get these brats ready for a district test that I didn't know about until 2 weeks ago and I get that lip. Then while still standing there she looks over at my guide teacher and says, "Coach Van, did you write up this study guide?" "No, Ms. Hunter did." he responded, to which she lets out a heavy sigh and rolls her eyes. This all happened on Monday so today I looked around and noticed she was absent...not going to lie, I was kind of relieved b/c I wouldn't have to deal with her crap. After class I was going to leave and I saw her walking through the hall so she pretty much just ditched the class. I just want to pull her to the side and say, "I get it. You don't like me. You don't like history. And you don't like the class. But you need to pass in order to graduate, so you might as well just suck it up, come to class, do the work, take the tests and get a passing grade." I know there's classes that people hate. I hated math and science and some ppl hate history, but you got to get over it. ugh... So as a whole, most of the class did the guides half-ass and they are going to get the test and freak out, to which I'll say, "I gave you the tools. It was your responsibility to do the work and study." They are introducing us to all these WONDERFUL teaching methods, but you have to have the perfect honors or AP class to pull them off. Someday I want to get there, but right now I'm just trying to get them to shut up. Keep me in your prayers...I need all the help I can get.