Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just thinkin'

First things, first- I'm pretty sure ever actor(ess) has been on CSI at one time or another. From my mom's high school bff, to the OC's leading mothers, even the "fashionista" of gh... but that's not what this post is about.

While I was looking something up on imdb I came across the profile of my mom's bff/maid of honor, Susanna Thompson and it made me a little sad. This lady was my mom's bestie through high school, in her wedding, worked at Sears together and now they aren't in contact. My mom always says that she doesn't really have any real "girl friends" and that my sister and I fill the spots. It made me think my high school experiences and my "bffs"... not really any more. I had a huge falling out with one and the other is living across the country. It's not that I'm lonely or friendless, it's just that you share a connection with these girls and *poof* they are gone. My sister was right, college is the place you meet your real friends, and I have, I just get a little nostalgic about the EastLake High Class of '04

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