Thursday, January 15, 2009

Melo-drama addict

As I wasted precious time this morning online I realized I'm freaking addicted to melo-dramatic soap operas. I sit at the edge of my seat every monday to see the next Gossip Girl and dive on to the couch every afternoon to watch General Hospital, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing b/c it just means my life isn't dramatic so I have to live vicariously through cheesy shows.

GH sweeps ad- hahahaha

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gorgeous Dresses and Long Speeches

I love awards season. I do. Mostly because I love to see what people people wear and either mock them or envy them. This year started off with a bang. There were so amazing dresses that graced the red carpet at the Golden Globes and I want to honor some of my favorites

OMG! some of the speeches were so long. This is a three hour show people and there is a lot to get through. We know you're excited/emotional but get a grip. My God, Kate Winslet won 2 and while I love her, she's butta (Linda Richmond "Coffee Talk"), I'm not sure you need to thank your make-up artist for making you look like betta butta. When she pulled out her first thank you speech for The Reader I thought she was reading an address to congress (or Parliament). Then she won again for Revolutionary Road and while she didn't have one ready she seemed to talk just as long... and she was crying. I kind of wanted to throw a sock, because I think it would do less damage than a shoe to our tv. So I have come up with a template that I will send to help condense the speech for the Oscars... since the golden globes are usually a precursor to the Oscars-

(read emotionally in an English accent)
"Oh my gosh. I'm so excited to receive this award. I'd like to thank the director_____, and the producers for allowing me to be a part of this fantastic project. I'd like to thank my costars, (Leo D.), _______, it's been an honor to work with you and I'd like to thank the rest of the cast and crew, without you none of this would be possible. Finally I'd have to thank my husband, you are the love of my life (blah, blah, blah), and my kids, Mummy loves you. THANK YOU!

see that's all you really need to say. Obviously they don't know how to "cliff note" things across the pond. Anyway, that's going in the mail tomorrow, b/c otherwise the Oscars could be a long night. hahaha.

In conclusion... I love award shows and when I can add pics of my favorite dresses I will. Enjoy the last week and a half of break

Golden Globe Picks

Best looking couple (OK, they aren't an actual couple but they might as well be)- Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio (OMG OMG! IT'S LEO!!!! AHHHHH :p)

Prettiest vintage dress- Jane Krakowski (30 Rock)

Prettiest bold color dress- Polly Pocket sized Eva Longoria-Parker

Prettiest Simple black dress (nice lil touch with the broach at the hip)- double winner Kate Winslet

Prettiest white off the shoulder dress- Sandra Bullock

All around prettiest sexy/form fitting dress- Beyounce

In conclusion, I'm so jealous of all these gorgeous people and the fact that they get to wear these beautiful dresses and jewelry. The only one I think I would ever be able to pull-off is...Beyounce's...HAHAHA. just kidding. No really it would probably be Kate Winslet's. Hey man, I'm dropping the LBs, banquet is in 3 months I just need to work out and find a way to get my grubby (OK, I'll wash them) hands on it. and the Jewels, but I'd probably get arrested :X

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I just got an email from school and the title was, "SDSU Scholarship", so I open it up and it is the "Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship".... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Obviously it is a blanket email that they send to everyone. I think I shed a single tear of laughter. If it wasn't a blanket email they must have saw I lived in Chula Vista and figured I would fulfill the requirements (poor and Hispanic). Oh geez. What a day. I should be studying for another horrible standardized test, the CBEST, but I'm sitting here listening to Maggie snoring and watching tivo.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I love legit English accents!

I seriously love English accents. I watched The Holiday today and every time I fall in love with their dialect. They sound more educated than Americans. They don't shorten words and they enunciate each part of the word. For example, Americans say "Kitten" like "kittin", but the average Britain says "KittEN" like it should be. I think we should all start learning from them. I also noticed that they say "I am" instead of "I'm"... We're (we are) just lazy! Lazy Americans. Sometimes I wish I was British just so I could sound more edjimacated. But then there is the whole cold weather thing and I could not handle it.

Listen to the trailer!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year... A New Diet

Yes it's that time again. After stuffing our faces with unhealthy food from Oct to Jan we step on the scale and realize it's time to start all over again. As usual I weigh the same as I always do after being a lil porker so 10 lbs and I'll be happy. This year the diet is called, "The Flat Belly Diet". In addition to eating less you cut out certain foods to specifically target your marcy. The first 4 days, we are going on day 3, are detox, which means we have to drink "sassy water" (mint, ginger, cucumber, and lemon), eat 1 pint of tomatoes 2 of the days and eat a handful of sunflower seeds with your bland cereal and sassy water. I'm really trying not to complain, because if there was ever a time to lose some lbs it's now. I'm going to Vegas in March and Mexico and Hawaii in May... and I want to look gooooood. When I start a diet I go in knowing that I don't want to lose 20 lbs b/c I've done that before and it's almost impossible to maintain. I want to be healthy and have a flat stomach, but not be forced to eat a pint of tomatoes when I don't even like tomatoes! If I could go from an 8 to a 6 I'd do a cart wheel, in theory. Dieting always makes me think about the world we live in and how much pressure there is to be "thin". Not everyone can be "thin", but ppl can be healthy and thats what maters. Just the other day I was looking at pictures on OMG (yahoo gossip) and I was reading the comments under a picture of kate winslet and someone said, "I worked on the set of Titanic and she was over weight". That comment made me sad. I responded and was like, "she was probably 130 and if you think that's fat there is something seriously wrong with you". I mean whats wrong with people in general. I bet she was the same size as my sister and if you've seen my sister you would NEVER say she's fat. We wonder why people are self-conscious about their bodies. I see pictures of skinny celebraties and just think, "I'd never want to be that skinny and shapeless". I want to be healthy and not flabby, yet keep my curves. We need more reasonably sized actresses out there that aren't 5'4" and weigh 105 lbs. Teach young girls that it's way hotter to be healthy and curvy. I guess that's my rant. I'm glad that I'm not super self conscious about my weight and compare myself to the rich and famous b/c if I did, I don't think I'd like myself.

*btw- I illegally watched like 3/4 of Revolutionary Road and I can tell you that while it's good, Titanic is a more up-lifting movie (yeah, I know right?).... but I didn't see the end so that's just my opinion as of right now